Key Cooperative Research Institute for Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C (2022-2024)

Journal of China's Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (2015)


Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries of Fudan University (CCRNC-Fudan), ed., Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015.

Publisher: Social Sciences Academic Press (China)

Published in June 2015.

ISBN: 978-7-5097-7515-8

The Title Page of Journal of China's Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015

The Copyright Page of Journal of China's Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015


Preface        Shi Yuanhua/1


Overall Review on Chinas Neighboring Diplomacy

An Assessment Report on the Situations of Security in China’s Neighborhood (2014-2015)   Zhang Yunling & Ren Jingjing/7

New Challenges from Chinas Neighboring Environment and Chinas New Strategy for Its Neighboring Diplomacy in the Next Decade            Shi Yuanhua, Qi Huaigao/33


The New Security Concept for Asia

President Xi Jinpings New Security Concept for Asia     Li Wen/65

On the New Security Concept for Asia and China          Xia Liping/77


One Belt and One Road Research

The Opportunities and Challenges to Chinas Construction of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road: With Some Advice for Responding Measures    Li Wannan/95

Chinas Diplomacy: Drawing the Positive Energy from Historical Resources------A Brief Comparison of Silk Roads and Zheng Hes Voyages    Xu Bo/108

A Literature Review on Current Researches Concerning the One Belt and One Road Strategy        Shi Jianguo/130


Economic and Cultural Exchanges

Chinas Participation in the Water Governance of the Lancang-Mekong River: Policy Evaluation and Future Trends       Guo Yanjun/153

Cultural Exchanges and Its Function to Improve the International Relations in the East Asia           Wang Xiaoqiu/170


Neighboring Countries Perspectives on China

Modern Chinese Studies of Post-war Japanese Academics: Its Evolution and Characteristics         Bao Xiaqin/181

South Korean Academias Perspectives on Chinas Diplomacy towards Neighboring Countries after CPCs 18th National Congress and Their Relevations     Zhang Chi/195


Domestic Conditions of Chinas Neighboring Countries

Bidirectional Balance Strategy of Vietnam and Its China Projects    Zhao Weihua/209


Book Review

Cooperation and Conflicts in Chinas Territorial Disputes: A Review on the Book Strong Borders, Secure Nation         Kong Lingjie/231

A Review of Chinas Peripheral Security and Its Neighboring Diplomacy against the Backdrop of Its Rising               Xi Yi/248


Reviews on Symposiums

A Review on the Symposium of Chinas Periphery Diplomacy at the Age of XI Jinping: New Concepts, New Strategies, New Measures          Li Ning/259



Introduction on the Collaborative Innovation Center for Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights, CICTSMR/271

Introduction on Center for Chinas Relations with Neighboring Countries, CCRNC/273

Notice: Inviting Contributions to the Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy/275

An Assessment Report on the Situations of Security in Chinas Neighborhood (2014-2015)

Zhang Yunling & Ren Jingjing

Abstract: The situations and structure of security in China’s neighborhood are going through important historical adjustments. Generally speakingthe overall stability is being maintained in China’s neighborhoodbut the security relations and structure are still complicated and on a process of fluid changes. Therefore, it is difficult to avoid unpredictable and disruptive events and there still exists a possibility of risk escalation. The most important characteristic of the current adjustments and development of the security situations is the new adaptations and interactions occurring in China’s relations with its neighboring countries and the apparent strengthening of China’s initiative and activeness to shape its security environment. Furthermorethree trends deserve close attentions when taking a prospect over the development of the security situations in China’s neighborhood: (1) It is likely to sustain the trend of the overall improvement of China’s relations with major powers in its neighborhood. (2) The hot security issues related to China’s neighborhoodparticularly the issues of “the two seas” (the South and East China Seas),will develop in the direction of “stabilizing the overall situation”. Howeversome individual countriessuch as the Philippineswill not change its provocative measures in the short term. (3) The non-traditional security issues, such as the issues related to terrorism and internet security, will remain in a period of high risk, so it is necessary to enhance multilateral coordination and cooperation.

Author: Zhang Yunling, Member of the Academic Board of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS); Ren Jingjing, Ph.D., Associate Research Professor with the Institute of Contemporary China Studies, Research Fellow of the Regional Security Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).

Official citation: Zhang Yunling & Ren Jingjing, “An Assessment Report on the Situations of Security in China’s Neighborhood (2014-2015)”,Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 7-32.

New Challenges from Chinas Neighboring Environment and Chinas New Strategy for Its Neighboring Diplomacy in the Next Decade Shi Yuanhua & Qi Huaigao

Abstract: In the second decade of 21st century, complicated and major changes are occurring in China’s neighboring environment, which have brought new challenges to China’s neighboring diplomacy. China’s fast development and the U.S. strategy of re-pivoting to Asia form a structural contradiction and hedge between a newly emerging power and status quo hegemony. Now China is faced with five major challenges from its neighboring environment: first, the overlapping of its neighbors’ increasing suspicions and the external powers’ deepening involvement into Asian affairs; second, the mismatch between China’s self-perception and its neighbors’ deviated perceptions toward China; third, the concurrence of China’s simmering maritime security challenges and its land security issues; fourth, the Darwinian competition of various multilateral institutions and initiatives in the Asia regionand fifththe interconnection between China’s less-developed borderland and China’s deteriorated neighboring environment. To better safeguard its national interests and Asia’s stability, China needs to put forward new strategies of neighboring diplomacy in the next decade. The subsequent strategies of neighboring diplomacy are identified as followsfirstlyChina should adopt measures to ease its neighbors’ increasing suspicion and the external powers’ deepening balancing policy. Secondly, China should adjust the mismatch between China’s self-perception and some neighbors’ deviated perceptions toward China. Thirdly, China should regard its sea power and land power as equally important in the context of “building China into a marine power”. Fourthly, China should put forward its own designs for Asia’s regional multilateral institutions so as to accommodate itself to various multilateral institutions and initiatives. Fifthly, China should make an overall plan to balance its borderland development and its neighboring diplomacy. Therefore, Chinese periphery government needs to attach more importance to its neighboring diplomacy in the next decade. Accordingly, Chinese government also needs to upgrade the status of its neighboring diplomacy in China’s overall diplomacy.

Author: Shi Yuanhua, Professor of the Institute of International Studies and Director of the Center for China's Relations with Neighboring Countries, Fudan University;Qi Huaigao, Associate Professor of the Institute of International Studies and Deputy Director of the Center for China's Relations with Neighboring Countries, Fudan University.

Official citation:Shi Yuanhua & Qi Huaigao, “New Challenges from China’s Neighboring Environment and China’s New Strategy for Its Neighboring Diplomacy in the Next Decade”,Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 33-62.


President Xi Jinpings New Security Concept for Asia

Li Wen

Abstract: To address the challenges rising from the United StatesJapan and the World capitalist camp effectivelyPresident Xi Jinping proposed his points from the following perspectiveson the diplomatic levelhe proposed the New Security Concept for Asiawhich focuses on harmonyamity and peaceon the strategic levelhe proposed a long-term goal which includes the realization of Asia-Pacific dreamand the advancement of the Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific FTAPP);on the policy levelhe proposed the grand blueprint of One Belt and One Road”,which demonstrated that China is firmly committed to the path of peaceful development. The implementation of this blueprint will make sure that diverse and pluralized regions and countries of the world can become intertwined and interdependent. In this wayvarious regions and countries may be able to promote mutual benefitsexpand mutual securityfacilitate cooperative securityand strengthen the security for development.

Author: Li Wen, Ph.D.of History of Beijing University, Research Professor and Ph.D.Tutor, Deputy Dean of theInstitute of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategic Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Official citation:Li Wen, “President Xi Jinping’s New Security Concept for Asia”,Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 65-76.


On the New Security Concept for Asia and China

Xia Liping

Abstract:The “CommonComprehensiveCooperative and Sustainable Security for Asia”which is the new security concept for Asia put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinpingis the continuation and development of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existencewhich was put forward by ChinaIndia and Myanmar during 1950s. The core of this new concept has been the culture of “peace” of China. New idea is necessary in order to maintain security in this new period. The new security concept has been and will continue to be developed through struggles against Cold War mentalityand should be one of the basic principles of the international relations. The new security concept for Asia is the development of the theory of Harmonious World as well as the solemn demonstration of China’s peaceful development. This new concept is based on a zeitgeist that adheres to and enriches the central theme of peace and development. This zeitgeist has provided realistic conditions for the realization of the new Asian security concept.

Author: Xia Liping, Ph.D.of History, Tutor to Ph.D.candidate, Research Professor, Dean of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Tongji University.

Official citation:Xia Liping,On the New Security Concept for Asia and China,Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 77-92.


The Opportunities and Challenges to Chinas Construction of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road: With Some Advice for Responding Measures

Li Wannan

Abstract: The concept of “One Belt and One Road” refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Roadwhich were successively launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his state visit to Kazakhstan and Indonesia in September and October of 2013. The main objective of the two initiatives is to facilitate economic cooperation of the region and to strengthen the regional connectivityby integrating the rapidly growing economy of China with the benefits of all parties involved. The projects of these two initiatives will not only contribute to China’s grand strategy of reform and openingbut also promote China’s neighboring diplomacy. What’s morethe 21st Century Maritime Silk Road will help to realize China’s Dream on Maritime Power and to increase China’s influence in the world. Opportunities are occurring for China to construct the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road from three levelsnamelythe globalregionaland domestic level. Howeversome big challenges still exist. The article will discuss the opportunities and challengesand then put forward some suggestions.

Author: Li Wannan, Ph.D.of Economics, Academic Tutor to Postgraduate of Master's Degree, Associate Professor of the School of International Studies/Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies, Jinan University.

Official citation:Li Wannan,The Opportunities and Challenges to Chinas Construction of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road: With Some Advice for Responding Measures,Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 95-107.


Chinas Diplomacy: Drawing the Positive Energy from Historical Resources------A Brief Comparison of Silk Roads and Zheng Hes Voyages

Xu Bo

Abstract:China’s diplomacy is characterized by a skill to draw aspirations from history and to construct a common psychological basis for mutual communications and cooperation. The promotion of “One Belt and One Road” initiative may be regarded as a typical embodiment of such a skill. In current literature of researches on the “One Belt and One Road”the typical historical aspirations that are most frequently mentioned by scholars and leaders are the Silk Roads and the navigator Zheng He’s expeditionary voyages. In factalthough Zheng He’ voyages could be seen as a great feat and Zheng He himself should be regarded as a hero in the history of Chinathose voyages might contain some negative elements in terms of their naturespurposesactual effectsand historical influenceswhich does not accord with the appeals and goals of current Chinese diplomacy. Meanwhilethe Silk Roads refer to the network of ancient commercial and transport routes through lands and seas that connected ancient China to various civilizations during a very long period of history. Therefore it implies many positive and aspiring ideas and characteristicssuch as ancient China’s worldwide perspectivesthe ancient Chinese people’s pragmatic and progressive attitudes towards trade and commerceand their broad-minded spirit of pioneering and entrepreneurshipwhich conforms to the diplomatic appeals of China to the outside world. In consideration of this difference between these two conceptsit may be more useful for Chinese media and diplomats to talk more about the Silk Roads and less on Zheng He’s voyages.

Author: Xu Bo, former editor-in-chief and senior editor of the World Affairs.

Official citation:Xu Bo, Chinas Diplomacy: Drawing the Positive Energy from Historical Resources------A Brief Comparison of Silk Roads and Zheng Hes Voyages,Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 108-129.


A Literature Review on Current Researches Concerning the One Belt and One Road Strategy

Shi Jianguo

Abstract:“One Belt and One Road” is a major strategic measure adopted by Chinese leaders to promote China’s opening and its campaigns for its harmonious regional development. Elaborating the idea and details of “One Belt and One Road” all the way from concept to practicescholars did a lot of exploration and research. This paper aims at making a systematic summarization of the existing literature of this theme with a focus on three aspectsoverall conditions and achievements of the researches on this themereviews on major opinionsand a prospect on the future trends. Specificallythe author argues that the future research should put an emphasis on the macroscopic perspectivethe integrated approachand the top-level design. The relevant researches in the humanities area shall be strengthened in futureand particularlyan importance shall be attached to the contents and phenomenon of contemporary cultural exchanges of humanities. Furthermorethe researches shall be reorganized and expanded to cover the issues concerning the impacts of “One Belt and One Road” on China’s relations with relevant countries.

Author: Shi JianguoAssociate Professor of the Institute of MarxismQingdao University of Technology. His major research field is the history of China’s foreign relations.

Official citation:Shi Jianguo, A Literature Review on Current Researches Concerning the One Belt and One Road Strategy, Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 130-150.


Chinas Participation in the Water Governance of the Lancang-Mekong River: Policy Evaluation and Future Trends

Guo Yanjun

Abstract:In the Lancing-Mekong river hydropower developmentexternal attentions are always focused on China’s activities in the upstream valley of this river and its policies towards the river basin management. This paper argues that the characteristics of China’s policy in the past can be summarized as positive but limited cooperation. In response to the new situation of the water resource management in the river basinChina’s policy of limited cooperation should be transformed to a full participationfocusing on the river basin’s water resource management as the breakthrough point and conducting the design and planning from the macroscopic and strategic levelso as to promote the basin comprehensive management and to serve China’s neighboring foreign strategy.

Author: Guo Yanjun, Associate Professor of the Institute of Asian Studies at China Foreign Affairs University; Researcher at the Center for Collaborative Innovation on Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights.

Official citation:Guo Yanjun, Chinas Participation in the Water Governance of the Lancang-Mekong River: Policy Evaluation and Future Trends, Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 153-169.


Cultural Exchanges and Its Function to Improve the International Relations in the East Asia           

Wang Xiaoqiu

Abstract:From a perspective that connects the history and the realitythis paper discusses how to improve international relations in East Asia through a recognition and use of the channels of cultural exchange. The author focuses on the following four aspects of the positive effects of cultural exchange on international relations in East Asialegacy and traditionbridge and tiepromotion and referenceand convergence and divergence. The author indicates and elaborates the proper way to implement the cultural exchange for the purpose of promoting the friendship in East Asiawhich may lead the neighboring countries to a healthy road for the shared future of the region.

Author:Wang Xiaoqiu, Research Professor, Academic Tutor to Ph.D. candidate, Department of History, Beijing University.

Official citation:Wang Xiaoqiu, Cultural Exchanges and Its Function to Improve the International Relations in the East Asia, Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 170-177.


Modern Chinese Studies of Post-war Japanese Academics: Its Evolution and Characteristics

Bao Xiaqin

Abstract: This paper clarifies and elaborates the evolutions and characteristics of the modern Chinese studies made by the Japanese academia after the Second World Warwith a specific in-depth analysis on the institutions and communities of Japanese academia in the field of modern Chinese studies and their research issues and themes. The author of this paper argues that the current new characteristics of the Japanese academia’s research work in this field reflect a change and reshaping of the Japanese perceptions over Chinaand that China’s rapid rise has brought new themes and challenges to Japanese academia’s researches.

Author:Bao Xiaqin, Professor of the Institute of International Studies, Research Fellow of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights, Fudan University.

Official citation:Bao Xiaqin, Modern Chinese Studies of Post-war Japanese Academics: Its Evolution and Characteristics, Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 181-194.


South Korean Academias Perspectives on Chinas Diplomacy towards Neighboring Countries after CPCs 18th National Congress and Their Relevations     

Zhang Chi

Abstract: After the 18th CPC National Congressthe CPC’s new leadership’s foreign policy attracted widespread attentions in the outside world. During the two years since the end of the 18th CPC National CongressSouth Korean scholars have conducted extensive researches on the transformation of China’s neighboring diplomacy. Based on their major opinions and ideasthese scholars can be divided into three schools—“Taoguang Yanhui”“Yousuo Zuowei” and “Gongshi Waijiao”. The opinions of the three schools’ scholars reflect their different calculations on the development of China’s neighboring diplomacy. Furthermoresome valuable observations will greatly contribute to rethinking of experience and problems within the neighborhood diplomacy and opening its new realms.

Author:Zhang ChiPh.D. Candidate of the Diplomatic Studies MajorSchool of International Relations and Public AffairsFudan University.

Official citation:Zhang Chi, South Korean Academias Perspectives on Chinas Diplomacy towards Neighboring Countries after CPCs 18th National Congress and Their Relevations, Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 195-206.


Bidirectional Balance Strategy of Vietnam and Its China Projects    

Zhao Weihua

Abstract: In the context of China’s rise and the American re-pivot to the Asia-Pacific regionVietnam’s foreign policy is gradually shifted from the strategy of a balance between big powers to the stagey of a bidirectional-balance between China and U.S.which was approved by 11th congress of CPV. Howeverthere is a heated debate on the Vietnam’s strategy for its foreign relations and external securitybecause some Vietnamese advocate that Vietnam should ally with the US against China on the South China Sea issues. Under such circumstancesVietnam’s new leadership implemented the China Projects for the purpose of assessing the impact of China’s rise on Vietnam. The China projects has drawn a conclusion that China’s rise is inevitable and that China will avoid the use of force against Vietnam so as to ensure the strategic objective of its rise. The 981 incident and the subsequent anti-China riots made Vietnamese leaders recognize that it is too costly to ally with U.S. against Chinaand that there is no choice but to return to the Bidirectional balance strategy between China and US.

Author: Zhao Weihua, Ph.D. candidate of the School of International Relations and Public AffairsFudan Universityand Associate Professor of the Center for Vietnamese StudiesHonghe PrefectureYunan Province.

Official citation:Zhao Weihua, Bidirectional Balance Strategy of Vietnam and Its China Projects, Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 209-228.


Cooperation and Conflicts in Chinas Territorial Disputes: A Review on the Book Strong Borders, Secure Nation 

Kong Lingjie

Abstract:Since the founding of the People’s Republic of Chinait has been continuously confronted with a variety of territorial disputes that covers land border as well as offshore and distant islands. The book Strong BordersStrong Nationsthe Cooperation and Conflicts in China’s Territorial Disputeswritten by Dr. Taylor Fravelexamines the People’s Republic of China’s policy over territorial disputes from the perspectives of international politicsinternational relationsand national security for the first timebasing its argument on a theoretic model concerning the initiative and causes of the policy making of state in territorial disputes. It analyzes the causes that motived China to adopt cooperative tactics on most disputes and take confrontational measures on a minority of disputesand predicts the trends of the unsettled territorial disputes on the China-India bordersthe Diaoyu Islandsand the Nansha Islands. This book may offer important theoretical values and realistic significance for scholars to conduct researches on the cooperation and conflicts in territorial disputes and for Chinese policy makers to deal with the issues related to its unsettled territorial disputes.

Author: Kong Lingjie, Ph.D. of LawAssociate Professorthe Institute of Chinese Land and Maritime BordersWuhan UniversityPh.D. tutorresearch fellow of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights.

Official citation: Kong Lingjie, Cooperation and Conflicts in Chinas Territorial Disputes: A Review on the Book Strong Borders, Secure Nation. Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 231-247.


A Review of Chinas Peripheral Security and Its Neighboring Diplomacy against the Backdrop of Its Rising

Xi Yi

Abstract:China’s Peripheral Security and Its Neighboring Diplomacy against the Backdrop of Its Risingpublished by Zhonghua Book Company in July 2014presents a research achievement on China’s peripheral security challenges and neighboring diplomatic strategy against the background of China’s rapid rising. It is the first book of “Fudan University series on China’s Periphery Diplomacy Studies”. On the basis of comparative analysis of relevant academic works home and abroad since 2000this article points out four features of the booktheoretical in policy studyforward-looking in situation judgmentintegral in strategic analysisand practical in survey and data.

Author: Xi Yi, Postgraduate student of School of International Relations and Public AffairsFudan University.

Official citation: Xi Yi, A Review of Chinas Peripheral Security and Its Neighboring Diplomacy against the Backdrop of Its Rising, Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 248-255.

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