Key Cooperative Research Institute for Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C (2022-2024)




Associate Professor, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University

Deputy Director, Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries, Fudan University

PhD (Political Science, University of Toronto); 

BA and MA (International Politics, Renmin University of China)

Research interests

International relations theory, great power politics, international relations in Southeast Asia, transnational interactions of political parties, norm and policy diffusion.  

Peer-reviewed Publications in English

(Google scholar page:

Yao Wen, “Assessing Effects of China’s Party Diplomacy vis-à-vis Southeast Asia: Ideas, Interests, and Controversies,” Asian Perspective, Vol. 47, No.4, 2023, pp. 579-602. (Link:

Yao Wen, “ASEAN States’ Hedging Against the China Question: Contested, Adaptive, Transformative,” in Dragan Pavlićević and Nicole Talmacs, eds., The China Question: Contestations and Adaptations, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp. 247-268. (Link: )

Yao Wen, “Branding and Legitimation: China’s Party Diplomacy amid the COVID-19 Pandemic,” The China Review, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2021, pp. 55-89. (Link:

Peer-reviewed articles in Chinese has appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals World Economics and Politics, Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, Foreign Affairs Review, Fudan Journal, Southeast Asian Studies, and International Forum.


Manuscript reviewer: [Publisher] Routledge; [Journals in English] Review of International Political Economy, Competition & Change, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, Asia Europe Journal, The China Review, Chinese Political Science Review; [Journals in Chinese] World Economics and Politics, Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, Quarterly Journal of International Politics.

Secretariat liaison, Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI)  

Managing editor, Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy