Cai Cuihong and Zhang Luyao, "Systematic Predicament and Path Selection: Realities and Solutions for Global Cyberspace Governance"
  发布时间: 2023-12-15   访问次数: 10

Cai Cuihong and  Zhang Luyao, "Systematic Predicament and Path Selection: Realities and Solutions for Global Cyberspace Governance", Contemporary China and World, No. 4, 2023 (Gen. No.12), pp.25-34.

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have developed rapidly and have been extensively applied,making global AI governance an important topic in current scientific and technological advancement. Relevant AI governance practices of China, the United States, and the European Union reveal that AI governance subjects and principles are constantly converging, while its legislative processes and legal regulations show differences,which reflect diverse governance concepts. These practices indicate that countries still face many challenges inreaching deeper governance consensus and developing international cooperation frameworks and mechanismsfor joint governance, caused by factors including differences in understanding principles, varying degrees ofregulations, fragmentation of AI concepts, weakened cooperation willingness due to geopolitical competition,and the “prisoner’s dilemma” brought by security threats. To address the challenges facing current globalcooperation, we should first maintain an open and respectful attitude when seeking common values; second,uphold the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences when promoting cooperation and joint development from different dimensions; third, expand exchanges and dialogs to broader fields so that social organizations can play a proactive role, energetically pushing global AI governance into a new stage.

Keywords: artificial intelligence governance; international cooperation framework for joint governance