Symposium on American Strategic Orientations and China-U.S. Relations
The Symposium on American Strategic Orientations and China-U.S. Relations is an annual forum hosted by the Center for American Studies at Fudan University (CAS Fudan). Since its inception in 2006, it has become an important academic platform for experts and scholars engaged in research on American studies to exchange on the strategic orientations of the U.S. and China-U.S. relations.
Fudan Symposium on China’s Neighborhood Diplomacy
Fudan Symposium on China’s Neighborhood Diplomacy (hereafter referred to as “the Symposium”) are a series of academic activities hosted by the Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries of Fudan University (CCRNC Fudan) on a yearly basis. The Symposium Committee invites scholars and experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and renowned colleges and think tanks home and abroad. The Symposium focus on both present and potential China’s relations with neighboring countries.
The Fudan Forum on Middle Eastern Studies
The Fudan Forum on Middle Eastern Studies is an annual forum jointly organized by the Center for Middle East Studies, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University and the Chinese Association of Middle Eastern Studies. It aims to provide an academic exchange platform for the global Middle East academic community, cultivate young talents, and build an academic network for Middle East studies.
Fudan Middle East Frontier Forum
“Fudan Middle East Frontier Forum” is an important academic brand of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Fudan University (CMES Fudan). In this forum, outstanding experts at home and broad and ambassadors to the Middle Eastern countries are invited to share their research and exotic experiences in the Middle East.
Youth Academic Workshop on International Studies of Fudan University (YAWIS Fudan)
Youth Academic Workshop on International Studies of Fudan University (YAWIS Fudan ) is a workshop series hosted by the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University. YAWIS Fudan is a platform for young academics in international studies, which aims to promote academic exchanges, inspire new interpretations of global issues, boost the spread of young scholars' papers and build a cooperation network for academic research and policy recommendations.
The National Youth Forum on American Studies
China Youth Community of Eurasian Studies
The China Youth Community of Eurasian Studies is a platform for Chinese young scholars who engage in the study of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea, which is founded by the Center for Russian and Central Asian Studies of Fudan University. The Center for Russian and Central Asian Studies of Fudan University has been organizing academic conference annually since 2017, inviting Chinese young scholars to discuss hot topics, academic frontiers and research methods of Eurasian studies. And the community has become one of the most popular platforms for the Chinese young scholars who engaged in Eurasian studies.
Yucheng Study Group (Ph.D. Candidates Workshop on International Studies)
Yucheng Study Group is a self-promotion program of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University (IIS Fudan), where Ph.D. candidates can exchange learning experiences in academic research. To provide better education for Ph.D. candidates, the first Yucheng Study Group was hosted on 26th September 2018, hence the routine of holding study groups regularly. The study group provides Ph.D. supervisors, young researchers and doctoral students with various opportunities to exchange perspectives, including workshops, lectures, research projects, round table seminars, etc.