The Center for the Study of the United Nations and International Organizations (hereafter “The Center”) was established in June 2007. Ambassador CHEN Jian, former Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and President of United Nations Association of China was the first Director of the Center. The current Director is Professor ZHANG Guihong. The current Deputy Director is Professor ZHU Jiejin, while Professor QI Huaigao is the member.
The main research fields of the Center include the United Nations and international security, international organizations and global governance, UN Peacekeeping Operations, UN reforms and China-UN relations.
The Center regularly invites UN officials and scholars to visit and deliver the speech at “Fudan Forum for UN Studies”.
The Center facilitates cooperation and exchange with UNITAR, UNU, UNAOC and other UN bodies by sending students as intern to UN and jointly organizing international conferences.
The Center has published some books, including Secretary-General of the United Nations, UN and Dialogue among Civilizations, UN and South-South Cooperation, UN and International Rule of Law, etc., as “Fudan Book Series of UN Studies”.
The Center has finished a few key projects and is currently conducting the research on “China Diplomacy toward International Organization”.
The Center guides and trains both doctoral and master students. Until October 2020, eight doctoral students have graduated while three students are studying at present.