The Center for the Study of the United Nations and International Organizations of Fudan University organized the “Fudan United Nations Studies Series,” published by Current Affairs Press. Between 2010 and 2022, the series published 12 books, including

1.Zhang Guihong, UN Secretary-General: from Lie to Ban Ki-moon, Current Affairs Press, October 2010.

2.Zhang Guihong and Guo Fengcheng, The United Nations and the Dialogue among Civilizations, Current Affairs Press, July 2013.

3.Zhang Guihong, United Nations Development Report 2012, Current Affairs Press, August 2013.

4.Zhang Guihong and Guo Fengcheng, China, the United Nations and Global Governance, Current Affairs Press, December 2014.

5.Zhang Guihong, United Nations Development Report 2013-2014, Current Affairs Press, April 2015.

6.Zhang Guihong, The United Nations and South-South Cooperation, Current Affairs Press, December 2015.

7.Zhang Guihong, Strong UN, Better World, Current Affairs Press, April 2016.

8.Zhang Guihong, The United Nations and the International Rule of Law, Current Affairs Press, October 2016.

9.Li Yincai, A Study of UN Electoral Assistance, Current Affairs Press, November 2016.

10.Zhang Guihong, China and the United Nations in Global Governance, Current Affairs Press, June 2017.

11.Zhang Guihong, The United Nations and Peace Operations, Current Affairs Press, February 2019.

12.Qiu Changqing, “Responsibility to Protect” and Construction of International Human Rights Norms, Current Affairs Press, March 2020.
