The U.S.-China Diplomatic Dialogue (USCDD) was initiated by Professors Wu Xinbo (current IIS Fudan Dean) and Peter Gries (current Manchester China Institute Director) in 2007 and is held annually in China and the United States on a rotating basis. The dialogue has been held 12 times since 2007 with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C. and the United States Department of State.
The Dialogue is an annual track 1.5 working-level dialogue for young Chinese and American diplomats to generate mutual trust and improve China-U.S. relations.
2019 Yuexi, Anhui 12th Dialogue
2018 Washington, DC 11th Dialogue
2017 Zhujiajiao, Shanghai 10th Dialogue
2015 Guiyang, Guizhou 8th Dialogue
2013 Haikou, Hainan 6th Dialogue
2011 Yuexi, Anhui 4th Dialogue