IIS Fudan and Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House have collaboratively published 12 series books since 2005, which are compiled as the “Fudan Series on International Studies”.
1. PIAO Changgen, Introduction to Systemology, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, December 2005.
2. LIU Wenlong and ZHU Hongbo, The Fission of the Western Hemisphere: The Competitive Study of Development Model between Latin America and United States, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, December 2005.
3. SHI Yuanhua, et al., A Historical Analysis of Modern China’s Relations with the Neighboring Countries, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, November 2006.
4. WANG Gonglong, Conservatism and the U.S. Policy toward China since the End of the Cold War, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, December 2006.
5. ZHU Hongbo, The U.S. Policy towards Latin America after Post-Cold War, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, December 2006.
6. CAI Jian, The Diplomatic Relations between Late Qing Dynasty and the Korean Empire (1897-1910), Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, May 2008.
7. LU Guangsheng, Regionalism and ASEAN’s Economic Cooperation, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, June 2008.
8. WANG Lianhe, American Neoconservatism: Ideational Development and Its Impact on Foreign Policy, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, August 2008.
9. JIAN Junbo, Limitation of Power: Study on the Legitimacy of the US Hegemony in Post-Cold War Era, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, December 2011.
10. FANG Xiuyu, South Korea’s Foreign Policy and China since World War Ⅱ: A Theoretical and Policy Analysis, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, December 2011.
11. WANG Weimin, Redefinition of U.S.-ROK Alliance and the Security of Northeast Asia, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, October 2013.
12. LIU Wenlong and ZHU Hongbo, The Globalization, the Nationalism and the Culture-Ideology of Latin America, Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, October 2013.