The Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries of Fudan University (CCRNCFudan) organized the “Fudan University Series on China’s Neighboring Diplomacy Studies.” The main objective of the Series is to conduct original research on China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, making theoretical contributions to this field. Between 2014 and 2022, the “Fudan University Series on China’s Neighboring Diplomacy Studies” published 11 books, including:
1. QI Huaigao, WU Lin, HE Ping, LIU Fenghua, YANG Xiaoping, LOU Chunhao, MA Bin, JIANG Yingmei, and XU Xiujun, China’s Peripheral Security and Its Neighboring Diplomacy against the Backdrop of Its Rising, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, July 2014.
2. WU Lin, The Dynamics and Mechanism of China’s Regional Policy after the Cold War, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, June 2016.
3. SHI Yuanhua, Lectures on China’s Neighboring Diplomacy with Its Neighboring Countries, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, December 2016.
4. BAO Xiaqin, XU Jingbo, LIU Di, ZHANG Yun, LI Yanming, ZHENG Haolan, CHEUNG Mong, and CAI Liang, Japan’s Perception and Policy towards China in the Transition Period, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, January 2017.
5. ZHANG Ji and XING Liju, eds, People-to-People Exchange between China and Its Neighboring Countries, Beijing: World Affairs Press, September 2018.
6. HONG Jun, ed., Cultural Exchanges between China and Its Neighboring Countries, Beijing: World Affairs Press, December 2018.
7. ZHAO Weihua, The South China Sea Disputes between China and Vietnam from the Power Diffusion Perspective, Beijing: World Affairs Press, July 2019.
8. QI Huaigao,China’s Integration Strategies with Fulcrum Countries along the Belt and Road, Beijing: World Affairs Press, July 2019.
9. SHI Yuanhua, et al., China’s Peripheral Diplomacy in Modern Time, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, September 2019.
10. GUO Rui, New Shift of Geo-pattern of East Asia and China’s Compound Grand Strategy, Beijing: World Affairs Press, July 2020.