The Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI) is a platform of academic exchange and cooperation co-established by Fudan University and nine influential academic institutes in ASEAN countries on May 28,2017. The Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries of Fudan University (CCRNC-Fudan) is the permanent secretariat responsible for coordinating the NACAI activities.

The Founding Members:

Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam)

Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Royal Academy of Cambodia (Cambodia)

Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries, Fudan University (China)

ASEAN Study Center, Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia)

Asia Research Center, National University of Laos (Lao PDR

Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya (Malaysia)

Department of International Relations, University of Yangon (Myanmar)

Asian Center, University of the Philippines, Diliman (Philippines)

ASEAN Studies Center, Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)

Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam)

With the purpose of encouraging joint research on the issues related to ASEAN-China relations, the NACAI will promote studies on ASEAN-China relations as a provider of intellectual support for the comprehensive development of ASEAN-China relations, and enhance collaborative innovation among the Participants as a platform of academic exchange and cooperation. Besides organizing annual international conference, the NACAI will launch academic exchange programs, joint research project and joint academic publication.

Media Coverage in English:Fudan University and ASEAN Academic Institutions Jointly Set Up the Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes

Group photo of the founding members of the NACAI after signing ceremony

Memorandum of Understanding on Co-establishing the Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI): MOU-NACAI-28 May 2017.pdf

Academic Activities

The 1st NACAI International Symposium co-hosted by CCRNC-Fudan and NACAI in Shanghai, China.

On 28 May 2017, the International Symposium themed “ASEAN-China Relations in Transition: Differences Management and Win-win Cooperation” (the 1st NACAI International Symposium), co-hosted by the Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries of Fudan University (CCRNC-Fudan) and the Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI), was held at Fudan University.

Media Coverage in English:Fudan University and ASEAN Academic Institutions Jointly Set Up the Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes

The 2nd NACAI International Symposium co-hosted by CCRNC-Fudan and NACAI in Shanghai, ChinaOn May 27th 2018, the International Symposium themed “China-ASEAN Energy and Resources Cooperation in the ‘Diamond Decade’” (the 2nd International Symposium of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes Network ), co-hosted by the Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries of Fudan University and the Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI), was held at Fudan.

Media Coverage in English: The 2nd NACAI International Symposium Convened at Fudan University.pdf

CCRNC-Fudan Held Roundtable on Joint Development in the South China Sea

On 26 May 2019, the Shanghai Forum 2019 roundtable on “Creative Thinking and Practical Policies of Joint Development in the South China Sea” was jointly held by the Center for Chinas Relations with Neighboring Countries of Fudan University (CCRNC-Fudan), the Fudan Development Institute (FDDI), and the Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI) at Fudan University.

Media Coverage in English: CCRNC-Fudan Held Roundtable on “Joint Development in the South China Sea” and Released Cooperative Research Report.pdf

CCRNC-Fudan Released Cooperative Research Report

On the morning of 27 May 2019Cooperative Research Report on Joint Development in the South China Sea: Incentives, Policies & Ways Forward (hitherto referred to Cooperative Research Report), co-authored by eight scholars from China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia, was released at the Shanghai Forum 2019 “Fudan Think Tank Report Release Conference”The eight authors of the Cooperative Research Report are: [China] Qi Huaigao, Xue Song, Hong Nong, [Vietnam] Bui Thi Thu Hien, [Philippines] Aaron Jed Rabena, [Malaysia] Ngeow Chow Bing, [Brunei] Jolene H.Y. Liew, [Indonesia] Evi Fitriani. The Cooperative Research Report is the report that has been jointly written and released by scholars from six coastal states of the South China Sea. The Cooperative Research Report is available in both Chinese and English.

Download The Chinese and Enlgish Report

The 3rd NACAI International Symposium co-hosted by Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya and NACAI, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

On November 21, 2019, the International Symposium themed with “China-ASEAN Relations in the Context of US-China Rivalry” (The 3rd International Symposium of the Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes)  was held at the University of Malaya Malaysian Chinese Research Centre (MCRC).

Media Coverage in English: The  Third International Conference of the Network of ASEAN-China Academic  Institutes (NACAI): “CHINA-ASEAN RELATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF US-CHINA  RIVALRY”

The Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI) launched its official logo on 22 September 2020.

Download the Official Document: The Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI) launched its official logo on 22 September 2020.pdf

The 4th NACAI International Symposium co-hosted online by Department of International Relations, University of Yangon and NACAI. On November 21, 2020, Department of International Relations, University of Yangon and NACAI co-hosted online the 4th NACAI International Symposium, themed “ASEAN-China Cooperation in the Fight against COVID-19.” A joint research report, titled “ASEAN-China Cooperation in the Fight against COVID-19” was released during the symposium. The report is co-authored by 10 scholars from NACAI members and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).

DownloadResearch Report on ASEAN-China Cooperation in the Fight against COVID-19.pdf

Download2020 Annual Report on NACAI Activities.pdf

The 5th NACAI International Symposium co-hosted online by Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam and NACAI. On October 16, 2021, Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam and NACAI co-hosted online the 5th NACAI International Symposium, under the theme of “Trade Linkages and Supply Chains Resilience: Navigating the COVID-19 New Normal.” A joint research report, titled “Trade linkages and supply chains resilience: Navigating the COVID-19 new normal” was released during the symposium. The report is co-authored by 7 scholars from NACAI members.

Media Coverage in EnglishThe 5th NACAI International Symposium held online.pdf

 DownloadResearch Report on “Trade linkages and supply chains resilience_ Navigating the COVID-19 new normal” .pdf

 Download2021 Annual Report on NACAI Activities.pdf

The 6th NACAI International Symposium co-hosted online by ASEAN Study Center at Universitas Indonesia and NACAI. On 2 November 2022, ASEAN Study Center at Universitas Indonesia and NACAI co-hosted online the 6th NACAI International Symposium, under the theme of “Beyond Post-Pandemic Recovery: Accelerating the Progress of SDGs Achievements in East Asia Through Regional Cooperation.” 

Media coverage in English: The Sixth NACAI International Symposium Held Online 

The 7th NACAI International Symposium hosted in hybrid format by the University of the Philippines Asian Center. On 17 November 2023, University of the Philippines Asian Center hosted the 7th NACAI International Symposium, under the theme of “Energy and Environment Nexus and the Future of the Asia-Pacific Region.”

       Media coverage in English: The Seventh NACAI International Symposium Held at the University of the Philippines

Contact Information of the NACAI Secretariat

Mailing Address: Institute of International Studies, Fudan University (IIS Fudan), 220 Handan Road, Shanghai, P.R. China (Postcode: 200433)

Office Address: Room 307, Wenke (Liberal Arts) Building, Fudan University

Telephone: 86 21-6564 2939

Fax: 86 21-6564 2939


Liaison of the NACAI Secretariat: Dr. Yao WEN   E-mail:

---November 2023---
