IIS Fudan regularly hosts 4 international dialogues, including U.S.-China Diplomatic Dialogue, China-U.S. University Think Tank Dialogue, Russian-Chinese Dialogue and China-India Relations Dialogue.
The U.S.-China Diplomatic Dialogue (USCDD) was initiated by Professors Wu Xinbo (current IIS Fudan Dean) and Peter Gries (current Manchester China Institute Director) in 2007 and is held annually in China and the United States on a rotating basis.
The China-U.S. University Think Tank Dialogue was initiated by Fudan University and UC San Diego in 2016.
The Russia-China Dialogue is an annually released report of a cooperative project, “Russia and China: Partnership in the Context of Security and Challenges and Development in the Aisa Pacific,” of the IIS Fudan and the Russian International Affairs Council and Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The China-India Relations Dialogue was jointly initiated by IIS Fudan and the India Foundation, a think tank affiliated to the ruling BJP in India. The Center for South Asian Studies of IIS Fudan assists the operation of this dialogue mechenism.