The Center for Korean Studies(CKS) at Fudan University was established in 1992 and has officially conducted various academic research activities and events since 1994. At present, Associate Professor Zheng Jiyong takes up the post of Director, with Professor Xing Liju as Deputy Director of the CKPS. The full-time CKS faculty members consist of 3 professors, 2 associate professors, 1 documenter& administrative assistant and 5 of them hold doctorate degrees. Adjunct researchers are mainly from the Departments of International Relations, International Politics, Diplomacy, History, Economy, Philosophy, Journalism and Sociology at Fudan University, as well as the domestic and overseas scholars and experts who come from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Archives, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Shanghai Institutes for International Peace & Development Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai Normal University, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Party History Research Center of the CPC Central Committee, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies and Institute of Philosophy Affiliated to Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Yantai University,Qingdao University, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Chuo University, Daito Bunka University, The University of Shimane, Sungkyunkwan University and University of Incheon. The opening-up and rolling-type management pattern of the personnel layout enhances the flexibility and maintains the vitality of the research team.
Main research domains of the CKS at Fudan are as follows: 1. The Korean Peninsula Issue and International Relations in Northeast Asia, Studies on Regional Cooperation; 2. Contemporary Korean Studies (Politics, Economy, Diplomacy, Security); 3. Studies on the Korean Independence Movement and China- Korean Relations in Modern Times; 4. Studies on Korean Religious Philosophy and Eastern Traditional Culture. Studies on the Korean Independence Movement and China-Korean Relations in Modern Times has gained the accolades of being acknowledged as one of the highlands in the relevant research field. Meanwhile, the forefront researches in the other three areas have produced enormous impact both at home and abroad, carrying weight in appraisals correspondingly.
The CKS community at Fudan has edited and published 25 issues of the comprehensive academic research journal Chinese Journal of Korean Studies, shortlisted, designated as one of the CSSCI source core journals in 2005 and incorporated as one of the CNKI source journals in 2009 and listed as the only CSSCI source core journal on Korean studies once again in 2014. Since its establishment, book series, monographs, analects, collections have come out with a total number of 71, 12 TV episodes on Korean culture have been shot, 90 domestic and international academic symposiums have taken place, 1 calligraphy exhibition and over 30 forefront lectures on Korean studies have been presented respectively.
CKS lays emphasis on cultivating graduates with master or doctorate degrees, undertaking the tasks of collaborative studies with postdoctoral researchers and visiting scholars. Under the auspices of the Korean Studies Scholarships set up by Korea Foundation, the researchers have instructed the postgraduates to complete around 300 academic projects on Korean studies, including 34 doctoral dissertations and 37 master dissertations. 71 students have succeeded in obtaining doctorate and master degrees in the area of Korean Peninsula studies. With the support of the Institute of International Studies and School of Graduates at Fudan, 9 sessions of Doctoral Consortium on Korean Studies have been held with great successes, creating a vital platform for academic exchanges among the distinguished young scholars researching on Korean studies, facilitating the evolution of academic development correspondingly. The CKS offers 12 courses for undergraduates and postgraduates. Currently, the graduates mentored by the researchers and those who have ever attended the consortium enter the work force and play vital roles in the academia of Korean studies, reflecting the functional characteristics in cultivating talents.
The compilation and collection of specialized materials are prioritized in the reference room, boasting 15000 volumes of books on Korean studies, widely acknowledged among the largest scale of its kind.
Funded by Shanghai Social Science Foundation, Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program,The Asia Foundation, Korea Foundation, Korea Research Foundation, The Academy of Korean Studies, East Asia Foundation, Northeast Asian Foundation, Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs of ROK, Ministry of Unification of Republic of Korea, Korea Institute for National Unification, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade, Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Bank of Korea, Japan Foundation, The Asia Foundation ,Cultural and Educational Foundation, and entrusted by Chinese authorities and relevant governmental departments, the CKPS conducts academic researches and monographic studies accordingly.
CKS successively co-hosted international or domestic seminars, organized cultural events, collaborative and commissioned researches with the UN’s World Food Program’s Representative Office in DPRK, International Society for Korean Studies, Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs of ROK, Korea National History Compilation Committee, The Korean Congress Library,Korean Embassy, Consulate-General of ROK in Shanghai, Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bank of Korea, Institute of the Korean Independence Movement History, Korea War History Research Institute, Korea Broadcasting Society, Modern China Society, East China Sea History Research Institute, Korea Presbyterian Theological University, East Asia Research Institute of Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Political Science and Institute of Modern Korea, Yonsei University, International College of Chung-Ang University, Institute of National Culture, Pusan National University, National Research Institute of Ewha Womans University, Geo-Research Institute of Sogang University, Dae Jin University, Institute of Chinese Studies of University of Incheon, International College of Kyung Hee University, China-Japan Relations Research Center, Chuo University, Editorial Board of Contemporary Korea, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese Society of Oriental History Studies, Center for Japanese Studies of Tsinghua University, Policy Research Center of of Shanghai Municipality, Department of Asia and Oceania Sectors, Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office, Institute of International Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Center for Cold War International History Studies of East China Normal University,Shanghai Institutes for International Studies,The Institute of Korean Peninsula Studies of Yanbian University, Shanghai Archives, Chinese Society for Historians of China's foreign Relations,Chinese Society for the Korean Historical Science, Shanghai International Cultural Association, Shanghai Association for International Friendly Contact, China Society for People’s Friendship Studies, Shanghai Association for Calligraphers, The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea site in Shanghai, The Society for Korean Studies in Taipei, Institute of Northeast Asian Regional Studies Affiliated to Academic Sinica in Taipei(under construction), Center for Asian Studies of Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong Society of Asia-Pacific 21, etc.
In collaboration with the institutes researching on Korean studies at Harvard University, University of California, University of Hawaii, University of London, The Australian National University, University of British Columbia, Kyushu University, Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University and Harvard University, the CKS at Fudan University initiated the events organized by World Federation of Korean Studies. As of 2005, the Director of CKPS has successively attended the annually-held meetings of heads of the above-mentioned research centers. In the meanwhile, the CKS representatives have been invited to participate in eight Annual Summer Global Young Scholar Seminars on Korean Studies successively convened in Kyushu, Toronto, Canberra, London and Seoul.