Prof. Qi Huaigao Visited Academic Institutes in Guangzhou and Shenzhen for Communication
  发布时间: 2023-03-26   访问次数: 67

        From March 23 to March 25, 2023, Professor Qi Huaigao, the Vice Dean of the Institute of International Studies of Fudan University (IIS Fudan), has visited relevant academic institutes in Guangzhou and Shenzhen to conduct research on international and area studies.

From March 23 to March 24, Prof. Qi has visited the School of International Studies / Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies of Jinan University (SIS JNU). SIS JNU is one of academic centers for Southeast Asian studies and overseas Chinese studies at home and abroad. Prof. Qi has communicated with Professor Ju Hailong, the Party Secretary of SIS JNU, Professor Dai Fan, the Vice Dean of SIS JNU, and Associate Professor Zhao Siyang of SIS JNU. On March 24, Prof. Qi delivered a lecture on “Future Settlement of Maritime Disputes between China and its Maritime Neighbors” to the students of Jinan University in the “Tianxia Forum” lecture series.


(The photo of Prof. Qi with Prof. Dai Fan (right), the Vice Dean of SIS JNU, March 23, 2023.)


On March 24, Prof. Qi has visited the School of Geography of South China Normal University (SOG SCNU). SOG SCNU is an important training base for geographical talents in South China. Prof. Qi has communicated with Professor Liu Yungang, the Dean of SOG SCNU, Research Fellow Wang Fenglong, Associate Professor An Ning, Associate Professor Chen Lin, and Post-Doctoral Fellow Huang Yan of SOG SCNU. On March 24, in the invited lecture on the 90th anniversary of South China Normal University, Prof. Qi gave a keynote speech on “Methods and Practices of Maritime Delimitation between China and its Maritime Neighbors.”


(The photo of Prof. Qi with Prof. Liu Yungang (far left), the Dean of SOG SCNU, and Research Fellow Wang Fenglong (far right), March 24, 2023.)


On March 25, Prof. Qi has visited the Institute for International Affairs of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (“IIA CUHK-Shenzhen” or “IIA”). IIA was founded in 2020, committed to building an internationally influential academic thought center and a policy research think tank. Prof. Qi has communicated with Associate Research Fellow Yuan Randong, the Assistant Director of IIA, Wang Xinyan, the Director of Operations of IIA, and Yang Diya, the Public Relations Officer of IIA. The management system of IIA is worth to watch, as it uses “The Institute for International Affairs of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen” on campus, while using “The Institute of International Affairs, Qianhai” as an independent legal entity.


(The photo of Prof. Qi with Dr. Yuan Randong (far right), Ms. Wang Xinyan (second from the left), and Ms. Yang Diya (far left) of IIA, March 25, 2023.)