Amir, Muhammad (Pakistan)
  发布时间: 2023-04-26   访问次数: 27

Muhammad Amir (Pakistan)

Host Institute: Pakistan Study Centre

Host Professor: Assoc. Prof. ZHANG Jiegen

Affiliated Institute: Pak Institute for Peace Studies, Pakistan

Duration: April 2032-May 2023

Personal Information

      Education:   Master’s degree in Geography from Punjab University (PU), Lahore in 1996.

      Muhammad Amir Rana is the director of Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS). He was a founder member of PIPS when it was launched in January 2006 and had previously worked as a journalist with various Urdu and English daily newspapers from 1996 until 2004. He has also been affiliated with the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Singapore as a visiting fellow. He has also given lectures at several universities and security institutes in Pakistan and abroad.

      He has worked extensively on issues related to counter-terrorism, counter-extremism, andpolitical economy. 

      He has published widely in national and international journals, professional publications and magazines. He writes regularly for Dawn, Pakistan’s leading English newspaper. 

      He is also the editor of Pakistan Annual Security Report, PIPS’ English research journal ‘Conflict and Peace Studies’ and Urdu monthly magazine “Tajziat”. He has also provided his services as consultants to several international organizations including Adam Smith International.  

Track record


-Defining Terrorism in Pakistan (The political context of Terrorism in Pakistan)- 2020

-Evaluating the National Action Plan and suggesting ways to make it more effective- 2020 

-The Militant: Development of a Jihadi character in Pakistan (The book describes different phases of development of jihadi or militant characters in Pakistan)- 2015

-Radicalization in Pakistan (Co-author with Safdar Sial). 2012

-Dynamics of Taliban Insurgency in FATA (Co-author with Safdar Sial & Abdul Basit). 2011

-Jihad-e-Kashmir-o-Afghanistan (Urdu) (A directory of militant and religious organizations of Pakistan). 2002

-Gateway to Terrorism (English version of “Jihad-e-Kashmir-o-Afghanistan”, published from London) 2002

-Seeds of Terrorism (Post-9/11 jihad scenario in South Asia, published from London) 2004

-A to Z of Jihadi Organization in Pakistan (A comprehensive description of Pakistan’s militants and jihadi landscape including profiles of militants and religious organizations) 2002 

-“Choking Financing of Militants in Pakistan,” in Moeed Yusuf (ed.), Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Challenge (Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 2014) 

-“Taliban Insurgency in FATA: Evolution and Prospects,” in Moeed Yusuf (ed.), Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in South Asia (United State Institute of Peace, 2014) 

-“The Militants’ Landscape: Pakistan’s Islamist Organizations and their Impact on the Body Politic,” in Misra. A., and Clarke, M.E. (eds.), Pakistan’s stability paradox: domestic, regional and international dimensions (London; New York: Routledge, 2012). 

-“Political Manifestations of Religious Discourse in Pakistan,” in Luis Peral (ed.), Pakistan: the end of exceptionalism? (Paris: EU Institute for Security Studies, 2012). 

-Contributed “Pakistan” chapter in Asian Transnational Security Challenges: Emerging Trends, Regional Visions, edited by Caroline Ziemke-Dickens and Julian Droogan, Macquarie University, Sydney 2010.



Research papers/articles

-“Pakistan-based militant groups and prospects of their reintegration: a structural analysis,” Mantraya occasional paper#06, March 12, 2018. Mantraya, Goa, India. 

-“The rule of law: concept and practices in Pakistan,” Development Advocate Pakistan, (A United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) Pakistan publication), Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018 .

-The Counter-Insurgency Challenge in Pakistani Tribal Areas, Collection of Research Papers on Regional Peace and Security, published by University of World Economy & Diplomacy (UWED), Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2017. 

-“The impact of the Islamic State on Pakistan,” NOREF, January 7, 2015, Oslo, Norway Islamic-State-on-Pakistan .

-“A review of National Internal Security Policy (2013-18),” Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol 6, Issue 1 (2014).  

-“De-radicalization Programs: Can Police play a role?” Asia Society, New York.  

-“Swat De-radicalization Model: Prospects for Rehabilitating Militants,” Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol 4, Issue 2.

-“Hizbut Tahrir in Pakistan: Discourse and Impact,” Conflict and Peace Studies, Vol 3, Issue 3.  

-“From Asset to Threat: Cascading Effects of Strategic Depth Strategy,” South Asian Policy Analysis, SAFMA, Lahore, 2009. “

-Financial Resources of Militant and Religious Organizations in Pakistan,” Conflict and Peace Studies, Volume 2, Number 3, 2009. 

-“Tablighi Jamaat: Discourse and Challenges,” Conflict and Peace Studies, Volume 2, Number 2, 2009.  

-“Mapping the Madrasa Mindset: Political Attitude of Pakistani Madaris,” Conflict and Peace Studies, Volume 2, Number 1, 2009. 

-“Jihadi Print Media in Pakistan: An Overview,” Conflict and Peace Studies, Volume 1, Number 1, 2008.

-Radicals’ Influx into Border Areas and Impact on Inter-state Relations in South Asia,” Conflict and Peace Studies, Volume 1, Number 2, 2008.



-Visiting fellow, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University Singapore (2004) 

-Australia Awards Fellowship, Australian National University, Canberra (2018) 

-Visiting fellow, Kathmandu Law College, Nepal



-KLF German Peace Prize 2016
