Wei Zongyou, “The Trump Administration's Indo-Pacific Strategic Vision and Its Impact on Regional Order”, Contemporary World, No. 12, 2018 【Abstract】Entering the second decade of the 21st century, the U.S. government gradually transformed its Asia strategy, especially with the free and open Indo-Pacific strategic vision put forward by the Trump administration in the late 2017. Viewing China as U.S. top strategic competitor, the Trump administration has taken both economic and security measures/initiatives aiming at pushing back and balancing China’s increasing influence and power in the Indo-Pacific, guarding U.S. interests, and reshaping regional order. Although the emerging Indo-Pacific strategy is still in its early stage and faces many uncertainties, it has already put enormous pressure on China-US relations and effected negatively on regional order, which China should keep a close eye on its development. 【Keywords】The Trump Administration, Free and Open Indo-Pacific, China-U.S. Relations