Fudan American Review Launches Feature Series to Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of China-U.S. Diplomatic Normalization
  发布时间: 2018-12-06   访问次数: 211

On the occasion of the forthcoming 40th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States of America, Fudan American Review, an academic research journal professionally edited and issued by the Center for American Studies(CAS) at Fudan University, launches Feature Series in its Volume 27, No.2, 2018 to press, where the CAS contributors closely probe into and systematically analyze the China-U.S. diplomatic path from the multifaceted perspectives on Sino-U.S. interactions in the Asia-Pacific, China-U.S. economic and trade relations, China-America people-to-people and cultural exchange as well as U.S. domestic political factors in the past four decades, especially since the end of the Cold War, to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of China-U.S. diplomatic normalization. In the current specific context of entering upon the new phase of diplomatic relations between China and the U.S., we take a look back into the extraordinary history and summarize the invaluable experience to better meet the currently-existing challenges and to further boost the steady and healthy growth of Sino-U.S. bilateral relations, undoubtedly bringing forth profound and far-reaching significance.

The Contents of the Feature Series Column Present As Follows(Please stay tuned to browse the full text of treatises in the Columns of Academic Papers via the Websites www.cas.fudan.edu.cn , www.iis.fudan.edu.cn or the access to our Wechat Subscription Platform(casfudan):

Wu Xinbo, “Sino-U.S. Interactions in the Asia-Pacific and Construction of A Regional Community,” 

Fudan American Review, Vol. 27, No.2, 2018 

Song Guoyou and Zhang Jiaming, “Stategic Stability or Strategic Conflict? China-U.S. Economic Interactions after the Establishment of Bilateral Diplomatic Relations,” 

Fudan American Review, Vol. 27, No.2, 2018

Pan Yaling, “China-America People-to-People Exchange at Forty: A Review and Looking Forward,” 

Fudan American Review, Vol. 27, No.2, 2018

Wang Hao, ”Realignment of Political Coalitions and the Domestic Political Logic of the Evolution of U.S. Grand Strategy towards China,” 

Fudan American Review, Vol. 27, No.2, 2018