Dr. Thomas Fingar from Stanford University visited the Center for American Studies at Fudan University, presenting a keynote speech at the High-end Lecture Series
  发布时间: 2018-11-15   访问次数: 305

On November 13th, 2018, Dr. Thomas FingarfromStanfordUniversityvisitedthe Center for American Studies at Fudan University, presenting a keynote speech entitled "How should China and the U.S. compete?" at the 13th High-end Lecture Series Hosted by Collaborative Innovation Center for New Model of China-U.S. Major-Country Relationship. Professor WU Xinbo, Executive Director of Collaborative Innovation Center for New Model of China-U.S. Major-Country Relationship, Director of the Center for American Studies and Dean of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University moderated the event.

In the outline of the historical background and the current status quo, Dr. Fingar analyzed the dynamic interactive relations between China and the United States from the multifaceted perspectives on economic, political, ideological, sci-tech and military realms, emphasizing that China-U.S. competition was not completely negative, zero-sum nor panoramic of Sino-U.S. bilateral relations. He dissected that the Trump Administration was undertaking a historic reorientation of U.S. policy towards China, highlighting U.S.- China strategic competition, setting forth the enormous potential for collaboration between the two countries existing in the scope of people-to-people and cultural exchange, economic investment, trade, finance as well as development of energy resources, emphatically briefing on the competition with its fundamental rule-based approach, on account of which China and the U.S. jointly engaged in common endeavors to build fair and equitable interaction rules as a whole. 

The successfully-held academic event on that afternoon drew around one hundred faculty members and students both at home and abroad to attend. Meanwhile, the audience participated in the well-received Q&A session, conducting further lively interactive exploration with the presenter into the related issues.