Premiere-cum-Seminar :“ The Transformation of Russia: Foreign Policy and China-Russia Relations (Three Volumes)” on the Regional Landscape of Eurasia Convened in Beijing
  发布时间: 2018-12-23   访问次数: 164

On December 21st, 2019, China Social Sciences Press and Center for Russian and Central Asian Studies affiliated to the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University convened “The Transformation of Russia: Foreign Policy and China-Russia Relations (Three Volumes)” Premiere-cum-Seminar on the Regional Landscape of Eurasia in Beijing, attended by LI Fenglin(former Chinese Ambassador to Russia), LU Zhongwei(former Dean of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations), GAO Yusheng(former Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization), LU Nanquan(Honarary Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), HAO Yeli (Major General, Senior Advisor of the China International Institute for Strategic Society), XING Guangchen (Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Superintendent of Institute of Chinese Borderland Studies), QI Dayu(CPC Committee Secretary of China Foreign Affairs University), WANG Kaixuan(Deputy Chief, Department of Eurasian Affairs, Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China), LUO Shixiong(Counsellor, Department of Eurasian Affairs, Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China), LIU Jianqing(Director, Division of Eurasian Affairs, Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China), SHI Ze(Senior Research Fellow, China Insitute of International Studies), ZUO Fengrong(Professor, Institute of International Strategies, Party School of the Central Committee of CPC),WANG Xianju(Center for Russian studies, Renmin University of China--St. Petersburg University), WU Hui(Professor, Institute for International Relations, Tsinghua University), PANG Dapeng(Research Fellow, Institute of Russian, Eastern European & Central Asian Studies Affiliated to Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), HAN Xianyang(Senior Journalist, Guangming Daily), GUAN Jianbin(Senior Journalist, China Youth Daily) et el. ZHAO Jianying(CPC Committee Secretary and President of China Social Sciences Press) delivered opening remarks, Professor FENG Yujun(Vice Dean of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University) addressed the keynote speech thematically and Ms. WANG Yin(Assistant to Editor-in-Chief, China Social Sciences Press) moderated the event, in the course of which “The Transformation of Russia: Foreign Policy and China-Russia Relations” in three volumes launched the Premiere.

Mr. ZHAO Jianying conveyed that the newly-published three-volume series, deemed as the exquisite publication, research on realignments of political, economic, social, foreign relations and security strategies, deeply-rooted in theoretic origins with ample horizons to outline the transformation process of Russia and Eurasian countries. Breadth of visions and systematic analyses fulfill the unification of history and logic with the integration of research and p academic and policy studies. Meanwhile, president ZHAO of China Social Sciences Press briefed on the accomplishments obtained in the realm of thematic, “Think Tank Series” with regard to the international academic exchanges, as well as the outstanding publications concerning Russian and Eurasian studies. Including “Series on comprehending China and Chinese System”, “Russia and Its Asian Partners under the Framework of Globalization” by Academician Mikhail Titarenko, former Chairman of the Russia-china Friendship Association, “Lessons Learned from Russian Reforms” and “A Brief History of Kazakhstan” by Sergei Yurievich Glazyev, advisor to the president of the Russian Federation on regional economic integration. On the occasion of the forthcoming 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China, the 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Ties between China and Russia, Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, endeavours are bound to facilitate more comprehensive and in-depth cooperation with various high-end think tanks, experts and scholars, expediting more high-quality dynamic academic yields in press. 

Professor FENG Yujun, Vice Dean of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, 

addressed the keynote speech thematically.

Professor FENG Yujun, addressed that the publication of the volumes, emblematic of his research career in the realm of Russian and Eurasian studies for over two decades. The 400-year legacy of Russia renders vital influence on China in security, evolution and regime, enriching the bounty of significance. The ever-complicated and unintelligible world entails the schloars and policy-makers to dispel the mist, thus envisioning the all-inclusive prospect amidst the global circumstances. Apart from the ontological perspectives, Prof. FENG explores further into the approaches on researching Russian and the Eurasian regional studies as a whole. By virtue of outlining the researches on Russian and the Eurasian regional studies in an three-dimensional coordinate-axis spectrum, we are bound to grasp the trends of the above-mentioned countries , their status and contributions in the whole world system accordingly, thereby perceiving the value and impact of the shifts in overall respects. Prof. Feng anticipated the approach of integrating insights into history and the present allows thorough, comprehensive and objective researches, to constitute enormous contributions to promote China's development and “The Two Centenary Goals” with expectations of further in-depth relevant studies in academia circles.

LI Fenglin, former Chinese Ambassador to Russia addressed remarks.

Ambassador LI Fenglin emphasized that advancing studies on Russian and the Eurasian regional studies calls for: First, we conduct the researches within the broad framework of world development and the international situation. Second, grasping the “historical cultural genes” and “national souls” of Russia and Eurasian countries from the historical perspective. Third, following the treads of Marxist historical materialism and dialectics, we explore the evolution of targeted countries’ status quos and development orientations. Fourth, considerations need to be taken into what kind of relationship China and Russia should build in the light of China's national interests. Prof. FENG Yujun, one of the leading experts in the domain of Eurasian studies, integrate the fore-mentioned approaches into his academic works. What’s more, in confrontation with the emerging international situation and the advent of new phase, we have made diverse adjustments in our diplomacy over the decades, harboring the proposals to instill brand-new dynamics, appraisals, spirits of innovation into international studies via ingenious philosophy and concepts with Chinese Characteristics.

LU Zhongwei, former Dean of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations

LU Zhongwei, former Dean of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations addressed that in light of the academic works by Prof. FENG, the inheritance of the predecessors’ strokes of remarks and writing style which take shape in his serving the think tanks and universities for a long time, influenced by strategic culture and decision-making culture, give rise to the acuteness to the situation and the specific expertise in regional and national studies, characterizing the ethos of galloping in the academia of learning and cultivation, acing up strategies of think tanks in service of policy-making. That is, we should bear the virtues of composure in the ideological and academic fields by employing research approach of investigation of our Party, and put forth unremitting efforts to turn into great craftsman of geoengineering. Moving towards the center of the global stage, the status of China as a world-class power requires the establishment of a theory of international relations to commensurate. Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese characteristics calls for setting up clusters of research teams on theories and trends of international relations.

The distinguished guests present at the debuting ceremony extended congratulations on the launch, shared thorough insights into Sino-Russian relations, Russia-Eurasia regional configuration, international issues, and so forth. Deputy Secretary-General GAO Yusheng attached the unique importance of researches on the history, present and future of Russian and Eurasian region to academic studies regarding China's political, economic and domestic trends. Research Fellow LU Nanquan stated that Russia, as China's largest neighboring country, engaged in strategic cooperative partnership of utter importance. The international community also values China-Russia relations. Henceforth, Russia is worthy of further study both diplomatically and geopolitically. Major General HAO Yeli expressed what was reflected underneath the analyses by means of the three-dimensional framework incorporating international relations, historical development and China's national interests would be of a multitude of inspirations. Prof. XING Guangcheng, in favorable approval of Prof. FENG’s comprehensive, multi-tired and objective approaches to academic researches rather than the alternatives in niches. Mr. QI Dayu highly appraised the value of enlightenment on how to comprehend the Sino-Russian relations and to grasp the Eurasian regional circumstances in global governance, hoping the academia lay emphasis on building a community of shared future for mankind to sort out the threads existing in international relations. Mr. WANG Kaixuan briefed on China-Eurasia economic and trade cooperation with momentum surging as the figures revealed. Counsellor LUO Shixiong highlighted the consciousness of risk-aversion via innovative approaches and envisions in the long run, underscored policy-based options in the course of academic researches. Mr. LIU Jianqing proposed the consensuses that both sides should follow the path of consolidating friendship, expanding cooperation while breaking through the “bottlenecks” to facilitate “China-Russia People-to-People Exchange” and “Partnership for Education”.

In the session of open discussions, experts and scholars including SHI Ze, ZUO Fengrong, WANG Xianju, WU Dahui, PANG Dapeng and GUAN Jianbin delivered fabulous remarks successively. To conclude, Professor FENG Yujun addressed the closing remarks. Over 20 representatives from the press including People’s Daily, Guangming Daily, Xinhuanet, China Radio National, China News Service, China Daily, Global Times and China Radio International presented attendance at the event.