Sun Degang, Diplomacy of Quasi-Alliances in the Middle East
  发布时间: 2020-06-03   访问次数: 208

SUN Degang with ZHANG Dandan, Diplomacy of Quasi-Alliances in the Middle East, Berlin: Gerlach Press, 2020.

ISBN: 978-3-95994-074-0 (hardcover)

ISBN: 978-3-95994-073-3 (eBOOK)

  Introduction   1

I. Research Questions and Literature Review  1

II. Theoretical Hypotheses and Research Methodology  5

III. Academic and Policy Implications  8

IV. Research Findings 10

 1   Quasi-Alliance: A Hidden Research Agenda of Contemporary Diplomatic Strategy  13

What is Quasi-Alliance?  13

Types of Quasi-Alliance  21

Characteristics of Quasi-Alliance  24

Functions of Quasi-Alliance  28

Summary  31 

 2   System, State and Policy-Making Levels: Quasi-Alliance Formation  33

The System Level  34

The State Level  36

The Decision-Making Level  44

A Process of Trade-Off  52

Summary  54

 3   Between Competition and Cooperation: Quasi-Alliance Management  57 

      Three-Level Games  57

Four Means of Management  61

Two Types of Models  66

Summary  70

 4   Between Assets and Liabilities: Quasi-Alliance Efficacy  73

Divergence of Quasi-Alliance Efficacy  73

The Objective Factors  75

The Subjective Factors  79

Summary  83

 5   From Coalition to Self-Reliance: Quasi-Alliance Termination  85

The System Level  85

The State Level  88

Decision-Making Level  92

Summary  95

 6   A “Meteor” Moment: Anglo-French-Israeli Quasi-Alliance During the Suez Canal War of 1956   97

The Background of Anglo-French-Israeli Cooperation  98

Dynamics of the Anglo-French-Israeli Quasi-Alliance Formation  105

Management of the Anglo-French-Israeli Quasi-Alliance  107

The Efficacy of the Anglo-French-Israeli Quasi-Alliance   124

The Termination of the Anglo-French-Israeli Quasi-Alliance  130

Summary  137

 7   A Gulf Bridgehead: US-Saudi Quasi-Alliance During the Johnson Administration  141

The Formation of the US-Saudi Quasi-Alliance  142

The Management of the US-Saudi Quasi-Alliance  151

The Efficacy of the US-Saudi Quasi-Alliance  174

The Vitality of the US-Saudi Quasi-Alliance  181

Summary  187

 8  A Fortress in the Sand: Soviet-Egypt Quasi-Alliance During the Sadat Administration  191

The Formation of the Soviet-Egyptian Quasi-Alliance  194

The Management of the Soviet-Egyptian Quasi-Alliance  200

The Efficacy of the Soviet-Egyptian Quasi-Alliance  217

The Termination of the Soviet-Egyptian Quasi-Alliance  221

Summary 225

9  Brothers Indeed: Iran-Syria Quasi-Alliance Since 1979 229

   Dynamics of Iran-Syria Quasi-Alliance Formation 230

   Management of the Iran-Syria Quasi-Alliance 234

   Efficacy of the Iran-Syria Quasi-Alliance 245

   Summary 247

   Conclusion 249

   Quasi-Alliance Theory in Diplomatic Strategy 249

   Quasi-Alliance Practice in the 21st Century 260

   China’s “Quasi-Alliance Diplomacy” in the New Era? 270

   Notes 273

   Bibliography 297

   About the Authors and Translator 325