复旦“国研沙龙”之七十二 东南亚国家的政治合法性 The 72nd Youth Academic Workshop on International Studies of Fudan University (YAWIS Fudan): Political Legitimacy in Southeast Asia 时间:2024年10月29日(星期二)中午12:00-13:30 地点:邯郸路220号复旦大学文科楼324会议室 主办:Institute of International Studies at Fudan University (IIS Fudan) 主讲人:Dr. Diego Fossati, Associate Professor of Public and International Affairs at City University of Hong Kong. In Southeast Asia, the inclusiveness and competitiveness of democratic institutions are often constrained, and existing research suggests that economic performance is the primary determinant of political legitimacy. However, this view has conceptual and empirical shortcomings. The seminar is based on several recent studies conducted by the speaker, offering a comprehensive review of the determinants and implications of political legitimacy in Southeast Asia. It argues for a holistic perspective in understanding political legitimacy in the region, emphasizing the need to consider both substantive and procedural dimensions. 主持人:XUE Song, Associate Professor of IIS Fudan 本次讲座语言为英文(The language of this lecture is English) 欢迎各位老师和同学参与讨论!(All are welcome!)