Song Guoyou, "The Logics of the International System's Evolution and the Effects of Great Powers"
  发布时间: 2019-02-05   访问次数: 47

Song Guoyou, "The Logics of the International System's Evolution and the Effects of Great Powers,"

Frontiers , No.1, 2019

Abstract The world is undergoing great changes that have never  been seen for decades. The security, economy and great powers'  co-opetition are the key factors having an effect on how the  international system will evolve. In terms of the security, the world  has been and will be very likely to be in peace for a period of time. As  for the economy, globalization is under pressure to some extent, but  the cross-border flows of digital economies show that it has never  stopped. The co-opetition between China and the U.S. is the key factor  that will make a difference to the international situation. Races  between these two superpowers have been intensified, but it is unlikely  that a new Cold War will happen. Overall, the international situation is  evolving faster. Only by rationality and coordination of great powers  and reasonable reforms of the international regime will the evolution go  smoothly.

Keywordsinternational pattern, logic of security, logic of economy, logic of co-opetition 

Author Song Guoyou,  Professor and Deputy Director at the Center for American Studies, Fudan University