Pan Yaling, “China-America People-to-People Exchange at Forty: A Review and Looking Forward”
  发布时间: 2018-12-02   访问次数: 17

Pan Yaling, “China-America People-to-People Exchange at Forty: A Review and Looking Forward,”
Fudan American Review , Vol. 27, No.2, 2018

【Abstract】 Based on the long-term historical development,  China-America people-to-people (P2P) exchange has experienced three  stages in the 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations:  comprehensive recovery, facing difficulties, and pillar building. It has  brought into full play the role of road-keepers, and has made important  contributions to the sustained, healthy and stable development of  Sino-U.S. relations. With the rapid rise of China and the relative  decline of American hegemony, the P2P exchanges between China and the  United States are facing unprecedented pressures and challenges of  transition, including: the long-term transition of Sino-U.S. strategic  relations, the change of the economic and trade base, the change of  operating environment, and so on. This requires the China-America P2P  exchanges to truly return to original meaning. From the height of the  exchanges between the two peoples, the P2P exchange should make major  innovations around their basic value orientation, fundamental strategic  concept, and core means of operation, for achieving greater  independence, forming rational coordination among multiple actors and  effective coordination among different issues, thus contributing to the  long-term strategic transformation and sustainable development of  Sino-U.S. relations.

【Keywords】 Sino-America relationship, people-to-people exchange, strategic transformation, multilayer coordination