"Russian-Chinese Dialogue: 2019 Model" Officially Released
  发布时间: 2019-06-24   访问次数: 131

 The fifth Seminar on Sino-Russian Cooperation Towards a New Era was held in Moscow. Former State Councilor Dai Bingguo, President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Xie Fuzhan, Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui, Deputy Prime Minister of Russian Government Akimov, former Russian Foreign Minister and Chairman of Russian International Affairs Committee Ivanov were present. At the conference, the Russian version of the annual report Russian-Chinese Dialogue: 2019 Model co-edited by the Russian Committee for International Affairs and the Far East Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was officially released.

  As of 2015, the institute has jointly published the annual research report on Sino-Russian relations with the Russian Committee for International Affairs and the Far East Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and meanwhile published it in Chinese, Russian and English for the fifth consecutive time .The report closely examines relations between the two countries over the past year, summarizes progress and accomplishments, putting forward issues and challenges with proposals as well as  policy-making advisory recommendations. Due to the above-mentioned accumulative endeavors, the featured report has gained a high reputation, engendering extensive academic and policy impact. The Chairman of the Russian International Affairs Committee and former Foreign Minister of Russia Ivanov highly acclaimed the report, fully affirmed the long-term cooperation with Fudan University, and would present the report to the General Assembly. It would then be submitted to Akimov, Vice Premier of Russia and Chairman from the Russian side of the China-Russia Regular Meeting Committee.

  The English and Chinese versions of the report are scheduled to be released accordingly.