The RUC-Fudan Youth Scholars Forum Convened in Beijing
  发布时间: 2019-06-23   访问次数: 94

     On June 14, 2019, the RUC-Fudan Youth Scholars Forum, co-sponsored by the School of International Relations of Renmin University, the School of International Relations and Public Affairs and the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, was convened in Mingde International Building of Renmin University. With the theme of "Dialogue on the Knowledge System of Chinese Politics", more than 30 young scholars from Renmin University of China and Fudan University have conducted extensive and in-depth discussions on the three major topics of "High-end Dialogue of Political Disciplines between the two universities", "Rethinking of Government Theory and State Governance", "Strategic Competition and Regional Order".

Professor Yang Guangbin, Dean of the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China, and Professor Su Changhe, Dean of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University delivered speeches to congratulate on the successful convening of the forum, and advocated that the two universities should work together to promote the formation of academic communities and explore innovative approaches to political and international issues.

Lin Minwang, Ma Bin, Tu Yichao and Pan Yaling, faculty members of the Institute of International Studies, made speeches at the sub-forum on Strategic Competition and Regional Order.

The successful convening of the forum strengthens academic inter-university exchanges and cooperation and provides a new platform for academic exchanges between young scholars.

It is reported that Fudan University will host the second Youth Scholars Forum in 2020.