Shanghai Forum 2019 Roundtable on "How to Restructure Northeast Asian Landscape?”Successfully Convened
  发布时间: 2019-06-16   访问次数: 219

On May 25-27, Shanghai Forum 2019 themed with “Asia Amidst Global Reshuffling: Challenges, Developments and New Paradigms”, hosted by Fudan University and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS), was ceremoniously held at Shanghai International Convention Center. Around 700 delegates from think tanks, universities, governments, enterprises, media circles of 45 nations and regions presented attandance at the fabulous event.

  At this year’s Forum, “Roundtable: How to Restructure Northeast Asian Landscape?”co-organized by the Institute of International Studies and The Center for Asia-Pacific Cooperation and Governance Studies at Fudan University took place on the afternoon of May 25. Scholars from Russia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, the United States and China have conducted in-depth discussions on the situation on the Korean Peninsula and the changes of geopolitical and geo-economic landscapes in Northeast Asia.

  Professor WU Xinbo, Director of the Center for American Studies, Dean of the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University and Professor ZHANG Huizhi Dean, Institute of Korean Peninsular Studies, Jilin University, presided over two consecutive dialogues. Scott Snyder(Director, Program on US-Korea Policy, Council on Foreign Relations, USA), Song Il-Hyok(Deputy Director, Institute for Disarmament and Peace, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DPRK), Chung Jae-Hung (Research Fellow, Department of Security and Strategic Studies, The Sejong Institute, South Korea) and Zheng Jiyong(Director, Center for Korean Peninsular Studies, Fudan University, China) delivered fabulous thematic addresses, engaging in robust interactions with the audience as well as members from media circles present at the event.