The Fourth Forum for China's Maritime Strategy Convened at Fudan University
  发布时间: 2019-07-02   访问次数: 160

  On June 27-29, 2019, co-hosted by the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University and China International Institute for Strategic Society(CIISS), the Fourth Forum on China’s Maritime Strategy was convened at Fudan University with resounding success. The splendid two-day forum drew over forty distinguished experts and scholars at institutes of higher learning, research institutions and academic communities from the U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia to engage in profoundly candid and comprehensively exploratory insights on Maritime Security and Ocean Governance: Challenges and Opportunities.

  Rear Admiral Zhao Dengping, Senior Advisor to CIISS and Mr. Zhou Jian, Representative of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, presented attendance at the event and addressed the Welcome Plenary Session. Robert S. Ross, Associate at John Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University and Professor of Political Science at Boston College, Professor DO Tien Sam, former Director, Institute of Chinese Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, and Dr. Wu Shicun, President of  National Institute for South China Sea Studies, delivered keynote speeches evolving around hotspot issues in relation to maritime security governance. Professor Wu Xinbo, Dean of the Institute of International Studies, Director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University, with Rear Admiral Zhao Dengping moderated the fore-mentioned session of the event.

  Subsequently, the panelists unfolded academic policy dialogues under the sub-themes encompassing the worldwide configuration, international regimes with regard to maritime security governance across the Asia-Pacific, the Indian Ocean regions, to the extent on a global scale.

  In the ensuing session, delegates in the political, military, academic realms presented attendance at the Roundtable on Integrated Maritime Strategic Studies. Mr. Zhou Jian and Rear Admiral Zhao Dengping conducted in-depth exchanges of reflections on maritime security development and the safeguard of maritime rights and interests of China. At the launch of the dialogue, representatives cast spotlight on further enhancing and reinforcing the promotion of China's progress toward a maritime power, maritime rights and interests maintenance, global collaboration and gaming in the domain of ocean affairs, propelling inputs into emerging proposals for China's maritime endeavors. Professor Gao Lan, Director of the Center for Maritime Strategic Studies at Fudan University, assumed the role of facilitator to hold the Roundtable Dialogue. Rear Admiral Zhao and Dean Wu delivered concluding remarks accordingly.

  Initiated in 2016, the Forum on China’s Maritime Strategy is convened annually at Fudan University. As of 2018, the Forum has been upgraded to the specified international-tier convention under the vigorous auspices of CIISS, to enormously strengthen the interactive exchanges in the realm of maritime issues, conducive to the promotion of mutual comprehension and forging consensus in partnership. With concerted endeavors proposed by the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University and China International Institute for Strategic Society, the community will jointly further the Forum as an exclusive platform for academics and specialists to engage in profound exchanges of perceptions towards global maritime governance with reciprocal collaboration and coordination, steadfastly dedicated to fostering mutual trust, dispelling misgivings on maritime issues between countries in pursuit of building a maritime community with a shared future. 

(Preceding English Paragraphs by Mao Xiaojun)