Host Institute:Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Fudan University Host Professors:Professor Sun Degang; Professor Zou Zhiqiang Affiliated Institute: Middle East Council on Global Affairs, Qatar Research Interest: Middle Eastern Politics and International Relations; North African Studies; Great Powers and the Middle East Email: Duration of Academic Visit: September to November 2023 PRESENT POSITIONS Full-Time, Senior Tenured Professor of International Relations/Geopolitics & International Management, September 2005-Present, Director of Research in Geopolitics Non-Research Fellow, Middle East Council on Global Affairs, Qatar CURRENT FIELDS OF RESEARCH & WORK Peace and Security Issues, Governance, Regional Conflicts, Radical Islamist/Jihadist Movements, and Human Rights, in Africa, Sub-Sahara and Sahel in particular. *Worked for EU-GIZ-funded Assessment of the African Peace & Security Architecture of the African Union, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and the Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs) in Arusha (Tanzania), Nairobi (Kenya), Gaborone (Botswana), Abuja (Nigeria), Libreville (Gabon), 15 August 2014- 15 March 2015. EDUCATION PhD, International Relations, The American University, Washington, DC, School of International Service, May 1985. [Doctoral Course Work at the School of Government, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.] * Dissertation Topic: West European Communist Parties: Kautskyismand/or De-Revolutionization? * Fields of Study: International Relations, Comparative Politics, International Political Economy, and Political Sociology. MA, International Affairs (International Affairs and International Development/International Political Economy), The American University, School of International Service, August 1979. BA[Licence] (studies in French), Political Science, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, University of Algiers, Algeria, June 1974. Baccalauréat in Philosophy (in French), Senior High School, El-Idrissi, Algiers, Algeria, June 1971. PERSONAL FACULTY DEVELOPMENT TRAINING Centre européen de la négociation (European Center for Negotiation), Developing Interest-Based Negotiating, Paris, July 2011 & September 2011 LTS Training & Consulting, Developing Intercultural Training Skills, Bath, UK, January 2009. Obtained Certificate in Intercultural Training Richard Ivey School of Business, Teaching with Cases, 3-day training seminar, Monaco, July 2008. Kellogg School of Management, Dispute Resolution Research Center, Third Biennial Negotiation and Teamwork Teaching Workshop, Program on Negotiation and Mediation at Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, IL, November 2006. Fuqua School of Business, Duke University (CIBER Program), “Strategies for Teaching International Negotiation: A Faculty Development Workshop,” Durham, NC, October 1999. Summer Institute for Intercultural Studies, Pacific University, “Teaching Cross-Cultural Communications,” Portland, OR, July 1998. PUBLICATIONS BOOKS North African Politics Change and Continuity, coedited with Gregory White, Routledge [Refereed], 2016. Building a New Silk Road: China and the Middle East in the 21st Century co-editedwith Degang SUN), World Affairs Press, Beijing, 2014. Global Security Watch: The Maghreb, co-authored with L. Dris-Aït-Hamadouche, Praeger Security International Series, Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO/Praeger, 2013. North Africa: Politics, Region and the Limits of Transformation, co-edited with Haizam Amirah-Fernandèz (Foreword by William B. Quandt); Routledge Publisher, 2008. [Refereed], 394 pages. Obtained excellent reviews Doing Business in Emerging Europe (co-authored with F.S. Lhabitant), Hampshire, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan’s Global Academic Publishing, 2003. Obtained excellent reviews Cross-Cultural Negotiations(co-editor),Special Issueof the Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 44, 6, Nov.–Dec. 2002. North Africa in Transition: State, Society, and Economic Transformation in the 1990s, [Refereed] Editor and main contributor (Foreword by William B. Quandt), Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 1999, 299 pages. Obtained excellent reviews inChoice (Spring 2000) and Encyclopedia Britannica. L’Islamisme Politique dans les Rapports entre l’Europe et le Maghreb, coeditor, Lisbon, Portugal: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 1996, 142 pages. International Dimensions of the Western Sahara Conflict, [Refereed] Chief-editor (coeditor Daniel Volman) and main contributor, Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1993, 280 pages. Obtained excellent review inForeign Affairs (Fall 1993). JOURNAL ARTICLES & OTHERS “How National Interests Trump International Legality: Western Powers and the Decolonization of Western Sahara,” (with S. Lagdaf), [Commissioned], Western Sahara Review, Issue 4, spring 2016, “L’Algérie face à l’Arc des Menaces: Quelle stratégie?” (with Djallil Lounnas), [Commissioned/refereed], Sécurité et Stratégie (Paris), forthcoming, 2016. “The Eagle’s Nest in the Horn of Africa: US Military Deployment in Djibouti and the Dynamics of its Evolution,” with Degang SUN), [Refereed], Africa Spectrum, Vol. 51, No. 1, April 2016, pp. 111–124. “Algeria after the Arab Spring,” Foreign Affairs, February 2016, “China’s Economic Diplomacy towards the Arab Countries: Challenges Ahead,” with Degang SUN), [Refereed] Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 24, No. 95, September 2015, pp. 93-921. “The Democratic Transition in Tunisia: A Success Story in the Making,” Conflict Trends (South Africa), Special Issue on the Arab Spring, 1. 2015. “Le danger est réel et vient surtout des groupes djihadistes qui sont bien armés,” Liberté (Algiers), March 2015, “L’Algérie face à la crise Libyenne : Quels dangers et quelles options pour la sécurité nationale ? (with Djallil Lounnas), Le Quotidien d’Oran, March 2015. “Les menaces viennent de l’intérieur même du pays,” Liberté, February 2015, “Algeria’s Roles in the OAU/African Union: From National Liberation Promoter to Leader in the Global War on Terrorism [Refereed] Mediterranean Politics,” Vol. 21, 1 (2015), pp. 55-75. “China-Arab States Strategic Partnership: Myth or Reality?” with Degang Sun, Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), Vol. 8, No. 3 September 2014, pp. 70-101. “L’Irak au bord d’une catastrophe que les décideurs à Washington n’ont pas envisagé,” Interview, Reporters, 14 June 2014, available at : “China’s Response to the Revolts in the Arab World: A Case of Pragmatic Diplomacy,” (with Degang Sun), [Refereed], Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 19, 1, March 2014, pp. 2-20. “Algeria,” in, World Almanac of Islamism2013, available at: “Il n’y a pas des retombées majeures de la crise russo-ukrainienne sur l’Algérie” Reporters, 12 May 2014. “Il est improbable que les Etats-Unis favorisent le président sortant ou un candidat de l’opposition,” Reporters, 31 March 2014, available at: “L’Algérie est importante au niveau sécuritaire pour les USA” Liberté, 8 April 2014, “L’Algérie aurait dû entreprendre une action militaire,” Interview in Le Soir d’Algérie, 15 January 2013, “Algeria and the Sahelian Imbroglio: Preventing War and Fighting Terrorism,” Al Jazeera Center for Studies, November 2012, available at: “The Sahara-Sahel Quagmire: Regional and International Implications,” [Commissioned/refereed] Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 17, No. 3, 452–458, November 2012. “The Arab turmoil: an exploratory interpretation,” [Commissioned/refereed] The Maghreb Review, Vol. 37 Nos. 3-4, 2012, pp. 323-333. “Les Etats-Unis ont ouvert la boîte de Pandore,” Interview in Le Soir d’Algérie, 18 September 2012, “Global insider: Morocco and U.S. Stay Close as War on Terror Evolves,” Interview article in, World Politics Review, July 2012, “From Hard Military Bases to Soft Military Presence: US Military Deployment in Iraq Reassessed,” (with Degang Sun, [Refereed], Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia),Vol. 6, No. 3, 2012, 85-106 “Les Etats-Unis, l’Europe, et la Libye: De la Réhabilitation de Kadhafi à son renversement, [Refereed], L’Année du Maghreb, VIII, 2012, 457-469. “Tilting the Balance Toward Intra-Maghreb Unity in Light of the Arab Spring,” [Commissioned/refereed], International Spectator, Vol. 47, No. 3 September 2012, 64-80. “The Libya Spawn, What the Dictator's Demise Unleashed in the Middle East,” Snapshot, Foreign Affairs, July 2012, available at: “The End of the Libyan Dictatorship: The Uncertain Transition,” with Erzsébet Rózsa, [Refereed], Third World Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 7, July 2012, pp. 1269-1285. “Algérie: Des réformes politiques pour éluder le ‘printemps arabe,’” with Ahmed Aghrout, [Commissioned/refereed] Alternatives Sud (Belgium) Special Issue, “Le ‘printemps arabe’: un premier bilan,” Bichara Khader, Guest-Editor, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2012, pp. 137-152. “Algeria’s Path to Political Reforms: Authentic Change?” with Ahmed Aghrout, [Refereed], Middle East Policy, Vol. 19, No. 2, Summer 2012, pp. 66-83. “Les révolutions du monde arabe: la fin du mythe de l’exception,” [Refereed], Maghreb-Machrek, No. 210, Winter 2011-2012, pp. 41-52. “El colapso de la dictadura de Gadafi: ¿qué futuro para Libia,”[The Collapse of Qaddafi’s Dictatorship: What Future for Libya?] Foro Internacional( Colegio de México), [Commissioned/refereed], Vol. 52, No. 2, April-June 2012, pp. 361-378. “Algeria and the Arab Spring,”EuroMeSCo-IEMed Policy Brief, No. 17, October 20, 2011, [Commissioned/refereed] available at: &catid=1%3Alatest&Itemid=42&lang=fr . “Sentry Box in the Backyard: Analysis of French Military Bases in Africa,” (with Degang Sun, [Refereed], Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), Vol. 5, No. 3, September 2011, pp. 82-104. “Russia and Algeria: Reconciling Contrasting Interests,” [Commissioned/ refereed], The Maghreb Review, Vol. 36. 3, September 2011, pp. 99-126. “French-Algerian Relations: The Weight of History,” Aljazeera Center for Studies, 7 July 2011, available at: “The United States and Libya: The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy” [Refereed], Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2, June 2011, pp. 275-297. “L’Intervention en Libye risqué de renforcer AQMI et son idéologie,” interview in Jeune Afrique (Paris), 20 April 2011, available at: H. Zoubir