Lin Mingwang, "Inject more certainty, stability and positive energy into world"
  发布时间: 2023-11-02   访问次数: 10

(Source: China Military, 2023-11-2)

The picture shows the scene of the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum. (Photo by Luan Cheng)

  The current world witnesses accelerated centennial changes and is intertwined with complex problems old and new as well as fermented contradictions and collisions, which aggravate the global instability and uncertainty. The 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum themed Common Security, Lasting Peace was opened on October 30 and attracted representatives from many countries, regions and international organizations.

Value of the Global Security Initiative in the era has been highlighted

  Facing a world of turmoil and transformation, the Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Security Initiative (GSI), which has charted the right course for common security and lasting peace in the international community. Since its inception, the initiative has received positive responses from more than 100 countries and international organizations.

  Nigerian Defense Minister Mohammed Badaru Abubakar stated that global security is not only a matter of military and economic power but also concerns the fate of all nations and individuals, urging that all humans, as inhabitants of a common home on the Earth, should build an inheritance that we will be proud to pass on.

  Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin expressed the hope that the international community work together to promote the implementation of the GSI and achieve peaceful coexistence of all countries. Particularly, it is necessary to drive common development through poverty alleviation and balanced regional development for the final goal of common security.

  In recent years, some Western powers upholding the Cold War mentality have coerced other countries to take sides on some tough and complicated issues. Judging from the speeches of the representatives of this forum, the vast majority of countries are quite disgusted with this set of rules. Lin Minwang, deputy director of the Center for South Asian Studies (CSAS) at Fudan University, indicated that as intricate historical factors underlie various conflicts, forming blocs is not conducive to solving problems but would push the world toward division and confrontation. For mankind as a community with a shared future, the GSI caters to their common aspiration for peace, cooperation and development, thus is met with resounding approval and garners positive remarks from the whole. The truth and value it holds in the present era will continue to manifest.

Major powers bear special responsibilities in global security

  Major countries are a key driver in building a new model of international relations, and the relations among them have significant ramifications for global stability, security, prosperity and development. Especially in the context of increasing deficits in peace, development, security and governance, these countries are entrusted with special responsibilities on global security issues.

  China and Russia regard each other as priority partners and always respect and treat each other on an equal footing, standing as a paradigm for major power relations today. In their speeches at the forum on the same day, delegates from both sides spoke highly of the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era. Many experts on international issues stated that China-Russia strategic coordination is pivotal in maintaining world peace and stability.

  China-US relationship, being the foremost bilateral one on the global stage, naturally garners attention from all corners. He Lei, former vice president of the PLA Academy of Military Sciences, said that major countries can hardly coexist peacefully without mutual respect, and one cannot build its own security on the insecurity of others, still less deliberately provoke them on major sensitive issues. China and the US should practically implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state and strengthen candid communication and exchanges. The US side should avoid duplicity or double-dealing and steer clear of ganging up allies and suppressing others. It is essential for the country to effectively rectify provocative acts of interfering in China's internal affairs and halt any conduct that could spark or exacerbate tensions.

  At present, the interconnected, transnational and diverse aspects of security issues are gaining greater prominence, and potential risks in emerging areas such as space, polar regions, deep sea, biology and artificial intelligence are quickly multiplying. The positions and decisions of major powers could impact the global security and well-being of small and middle states. The existing unilateralist and hegemonic approaches of certain Western countries pose great threats to global peace, so it is imperative to call for the preservation of the independence and territorial integrity of all nations and advocate for adherence to international law.

Voices of developing countries should be heard more

  Major countries bear special responsibilities for global security, but the voices of other countries, especially those of developing ones, should also be given greater attention.

  According to Zhao Xiaozhuo, deputy director of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum Secretariat, developing countries, which account for the majority of the world's population, are relatively vulnerable to security risks. However, the security concerns of these countries have long been ignored by Western countries, and some hegemonic states turn a blind eye to the common security concerns of the international community, which is the root cause of many conflicts and contradictions remaining unresolved for long. He added that one of the main characteristics of this forum is to allow more developing countries to get the microphone and enjoy the right to speak.

  Zhao introduced that the topic of the Role of Developing Countries in Global Security is specially included in the plenary session of the forum, and subjects such as Global South and Global Security Governance, the Significance of BRICS Membership Expansion and the Expectations of Developing Countries for Globalization are also discussed in the Simultaneous Session and Panel Discussions, which are met with broad acceptance and appreciation by representatives of developing countries.

  The general perception among the attending representatives is that developing countries are a major constitute of the international community, and global security cannot be achieved without ensuring the security of these countries. Equal participation in expressing security grievances should be respected for both developed and developing countries.