The Faculty Members at Institute of International Studies, Fudan University Attended the 2019 Chinese Association of Asia-Pacific Studies Annual Convention in Jiuquan, Gansu Province
  发布时间: 2019-08-19   访问次数: 82

 On August 16-18, 2019, Professor SHI Yuanhua, Professor SONG Guoyou and Associate Professor QI Huaigao at Institute of International Studies, Fudan University proceeded towards Jiuquan in Gansu Province for attending the 2019 Chinese Association of Asia-Pacific Studies Annual Convention themed with “Building the Belt and Road in the Context of Sino-U.S. Strategic Game”, addressing thematic panel discussions correspondingly. The event was hosted by National Institute of International Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (NIIS, CASS) and co-organized by Party School of Jiuquan Committee of C.P.C. and China Overseas Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

(The Group Photo of Professor SHI Yuanhua, Professor SONG Guoyou and Associate Professor QI Huaigao

 Taken in the Convention Premise on August 17, 2019 )

 The Institute of International Studies at Fudan University has maintained close and cooperative relations with Chinese Association of Asia-Pacific Studies. Dean WU Xinbo assumes Vice President and Professor SONG Guoyou serves as a Standing Member of Chinese Association of Asia-Pacific Studies on its eighth term.

 Chinese Association of Asia-Pacific Studies, as a multidisciplinary academic group composed of researchers, teaching staff and practitioners on political, economic, social and cultural studies in the Asia-Pacific region, is affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and bases its secretariat at NIIS, CASS.