Key Cooperative Research Institute for Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C (2022-2024)

QI Huaigao, China’s Ocean Affairs with Its Maritime Neighbors


QI Huaigao, China’s Ocean Affairs with Its Maritime Neighbors, Beijing: World Affairs Press, November 2022.


The title page of China’s Ocean Affairs with Its Maritime Neighbors

The copyright page of China’s Ocean Affairs with Its Maritime Neighbors

The Book, China’s Ocean Affairs with Its Maritime Neighbors, mainly focuses on China’s ocean affairs with its 8 maritime neighbors, namely DPRK, ROK, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia. The main content of the Book includes an analysis on claims to maritime jurisdiction, on marine fisheries relations, on joint development of oil/gas resources, on territorial dispute, on maritime delimitation, and on practical maritime cooperation of China and its maritime neighbors, etc. While firmly safeguarding its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, China has actively carried out practical maritime cooperation with its maritime neighbors in the context of building China into a maritime power. The Book mainly discusses three ways to settle the maritime disputes between China and its maritime neighbors. The first way is to move steadily forward negotiations on maritime boundary delimitation, the second way is to move actively forward on joint development and marine fisheries management, and third way is to manage Sino-U.S. maritime competition in the Western Pacific. The Book, illustrated with 10 color maps and 27 black-and-white maps, balances technicality and readability in content.

Dr. QI Huaigao is a Professor of International Relations at the Institute of International Studies, Fudan University (IIS Fudan). His major research areas are China’s neighboring diplomacy, China’s ocean affairs, Asia Pacific international relations, international organization, and global governance. He received a Ph.D. in World History from Wuhan University in June 2007. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Political Science at Fudan University’s School of International Relations and Public Affairs from July 2008 to September 2010, a Rajawali Fellow of Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government from January 2013 to December 2013, and a Swire Scholarship Academic Visitor at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford from October 2017 to September 2018. Dr. Qi has served as Vice Dean of IIS Fudan since November 2017, and has been promoted to Professor by Fudan University in December 2020.


List of maps, figures, and tables……1 

Inset maps……i/ii

Introduction: China’s maritime jurisdiction and its recent relations with maritime neighbors

I. China’s maritime rights and interests and its jurisdiction claims……1

II. China’s maritime affairs with its maritime neighbors……13

III. China Taiwan’s claims to maritime rights and interests……18

IV. The characteristics and framework of this Book……26

Chapter One: China’s maritime affairs with the DPRK in the Yellow Sea

I. DPRK’s claims to maritime jurisdiction……30

II. Maritime boundary delimitation Between DPRK and USSR……35


Chapter Two: China’s maritime affairs with the ROK in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea

I. ROK’s claims to maritime jurisdiction……39

II. Maritime delimitation negotiation Between China and ROK……44

III. Analysis of the Sino-ROK Fishery Agreement……57


Chapter Three: China’s maritime affairs with Japan in the East China Sea

I. Japan’s claims to maritime jurisdiction……64

II. Territorial dispute of the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands Between China and Japan……74

III. The delimitation of EEZs and CSs Between China and Japan in the East China Sea……84

IV. The Sino-Japanese Fishery Agreement and joint development in the East China Sea……94


Chapter Four: China’s maritime affairs with the Philippines in the South China Sea

I. Philippine claims to maritime jurisdiction……109

II. Territorial disputes of some islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao and Huangyan Dao Between China and the Philippines……119

III. The Award of the South China Sea Arbitration and its influence……126

IV. China–Philippines joint development in the South China Sea: obstacles and remedies……129


Chapter Five: China’s maritime affairs with Malaysia in the South China Sea

I. Malaysia’s claims to maritime jurisdiction……147

II. Territorial disputes of some islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao Between China and Malaysia……156

III. Prospects for Sino-Malaysian joint development in the South China Sea……159


Chapter Six: China’s maritime affairs with Brunei in the South China Sea

I. Brunei’s claims to maritime jurisdiction……170

II. The settlement of maritime boundaries Between Brunei and Malaysia……175

III. China–Brunei maritime cooperation in the South China Sea……181


Chapter Seven: China’s maritime affairs with Indonesia in the South China Sea

I. Indonesia’s claims to maritime jurisdiction……187

II. Overlapping claims to maritime jurisdiction Between China and Indonesia……203

III. Indonesia strengthens its claimed sovereignty rights in the waters near the Natuna Islands……214

IV. China–Indonesia maritime cooperation in the South China Sea……219


Chapter Eight: China’s maritime affairs with Vietnam in the South China Sea

I. Vietnam’s claims to maritime jurisdiction……226

II. Sino-Vietnamese Boundary Agreement and Fishery Agreement……234

III. Sino-Vietnamese disputes in the South China Sea and analysis on Vietnam’s claims……242

IV. Peaceful solution to Sino-Vietnamese disputes in the South China Sea……247


Chapter Nine: China’s presence and challenges in the South China Sea

I. The presence of China in the South China Sea. ……256

II. The challenges for China in the South China Sea……262


Chapter Ten: China’s incentives and policy choices on joint development in the South China Sea

I. China’s economic incentives and strategic incentives on joint development in the South China Sea……272

II. China’s policy choices on joint development in the South China Sea……277


Chapter Eleven: Regime integration of multilateral non-traditional security cooperation in the South China Sea

I. The challenges for non-traditional security and the obstacles for multilateral cooperation in the South China Sea……293

II. Analysis on the South China Sea multilateral security initiatives by three actors……300

III. Established institutions on multilateral non-traditional security cooperation in the South China Sea……307

IV. Basis and principles on regime integration of multilateral non-traditional security cooperation in the South China Sea……316


Conclusion: The future settlement of maritime disputes Between China and its maritime neighbors

I. Moving steadily forward negotiations on maritime boundary delimitation……325

II. Moving actively forward on joint development and marine fisheries management……330

III. Managing Sino-U.S. maritime competition in the Western Pacific……338


Chinese references……346

English references……360



Map 0–1: Illustrative map of the China Seas and China’s maritime neighbors

Map 9–1: Illustrative map of the South China Sea littoral states



Illustrative map of the China Seas and China’s maritime neighbors_清晰版本下载.pdf

Illustrative map of the South China Sea littoral states _清晰版本下载.pdf

The publication of China’s Ocean Affairs with Its Maritime Neighbors was made possible through a generous grant from Fudan University Gaofeng & Gaoyuan Project, and Asia Research Center of Fudan University.

The Book, China’s Ocean Affairs with Its Maritime Neighbors, is the 11th book in Fudan University Series on China’s Neighboring Diplomacy Studies. 

Fudan University Series on China’s Neighboring Diplomacy Studies is the publication project supported by the Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries of Fudan University (CCRNC Fudan).