Key Cooperative Research Institute for Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C (2022-2024)

YAN Shaohua


YAN Shaohua

Position: Associate research fellow, Center for China-Europe Relations, Fudan University

Research Interests: European Union politics and foreign policy, China-EU relations, European Parliament

  Dr. YAN Shaohua is associate research fellow at the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University. He holds a PhD in European Studies from the University of Hong Kong, a MA in EU International Relations and Diplomacy from the College of Europe in Bruges as well as a MA and BA in World History from Nankai University. Before joining Fudan, he was assistant professor at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, teaching courses on “EU Politics and Policies” as well as “Diplomatic history of Modern Europe”. He also taught “country risk analysis” & “Asian geopolitics and economy” at ESSCA School of Management in Shanghai. He was a visiting researcher at the European Parliament library in Luxembourg (2014) and European Parliament DG External Policies in Brussels (2015).

  Specializing in European foreign policy and China-EU relations, he has published widely in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes, such as China International Studies, Energy Policy, and Chinese Journal of European Studies etc. He is currently associate editor for Asia Europe Journal and peer-review expert for famous journals such as Journal of Contemporary European Studies, International Relations, Chinese Journal of International Politicsand publishers such as Routledge. He was receiver of the Hong Kong Government Reaching-Out Award, Louise Cha Fellowship, Inbev-Baillet Latour Award for Best Thesis on EU-China Relations and Excellent Graduate of Nankai University. He was one of the coordinators of the European Commission funded higher education capacity building project “EURASIA: European Studies Revitalized across Universities in Asian Universities.”

  Dr. YAN has spoken at numerous international conferences across Asia and Europe, including Bled Strategic Forum (Slovenia), China-Europe Forum (Brussels), ISA Annual Conference (San Francisco), EUSA Asia Annual Conference (Tokyo), Model ASEM (Singapore) and ASEAN Youth Assembly (Jakarta) etc. He regularly appeared on and contributes to Chinese and international media, including South China Morning Post, China Daily, the Diplomat, Global Times, Xinhua News Agency, China Global Television Network, China Radio International and EurActiv etc.
