Key Cooperative Research Institute for Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C (2022-2024)

CAO Ting


CAO Ting

Associate Professor, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University

Director, Center for Latin American Studies, Fudan University

PhD (Political Science, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations);

BA and MA (Spanish Language and Literature, Pekin University of China)

Research Interests: Mexico, Cuba and Central American Studies, Latin American energy, Latin American Integration, Sino-Latin American Relations, US-Latin American Relations.


Cao Ting is an Associate Professor of Latin American Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai. She received her B.S. and M.S. in Spanish Language and Literature, and her Ph.D in international relations from the Institutes of Contemporary International Relations of China(CICIR). She also studied in the Mexican National Autonomus University as an exchange student. Prior to the present job, she worked for CICIR during 2009-2022. Her research concentrates on Mexico, Cuba and Central American Studies, Latin American energy, Latin American Integration, Sino-Latin American Relations, US-LatinAmerican Relations. She is now member of the Chinese Association of Latin American Studies and the Chinese Association of Latin American History.



Latin American Politics and Diplomacy(MA)

Area and Country Studies II (MA)

China’s Global and Regional Engagement (Undergrad)


Peer-reviewed Publications in English and Spanish

CaoTing, Luo Yongkun: Why can ASEAN Promote Sustainable Development Cooperation?Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional2023.11

CaoTing: Las acciones climáticas de América Latina y el Caribe y la cooperación relacionada con ChinaHATSO HNINI Revista de Investigacion de Paisajes y Espacio Construido2023.11

Xuedong Liu, Ting Cao:Economía China y sus perspectivas ante el desacoplamiento previsto de Estados Unidos,China Global, crecimiento económico, cooperación y conflicto,  ISBN UABCS 9786078925216, ISBN Editorial Praxis 9786074203165. 2023.

CaoTing:China y México:las relaciones estratégicas en la Nueva Epoca,Orientando, No. 3, 2011.


Chinese Peer-reviewed articles in Chinese has appeared in leading peer-reviewed journals such as China International Studies, Fudan Journal, Peace and Development, Contemporary International Relations and Latin American Studies.