Key Cooperative Research Institute for Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C (2022-2024)

The 12th Doctoral Academic Workshop Themed with "Dissecting the Repository of International Relations Treatises" Organized by the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University


 On the afternoon of October 19th, 2020, organized by the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, the 12th Doctoral Academic Workshop ("Yucheng Study Group") themed with "Dissecting the Repository of International Relations Treatises " was convened at Auditorium 212, Center for American Studies, Fudan University, which solicited Ph.D. Candidate SONG Peng and Ph.D. Candidate ZHANG Jiteng at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University as the keynote presenters. Professor WU Xinbo, Dean of the Institute of International Studies cum Director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University, Professor CHEN Zhirui, Executive Editor-in-Chief of Foreign Affairs Review drew upon vibrant commentaries, evoking participatory repercussions accordingly. Over thirty postgraduates and doctoral students at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University presented attendance at the academic event.

(The Event Photo Taken at the 12th Doctoral Academic Workshop Organized by Institute of International Studies, Fudan University)  

      Dean WU briefed on the original endeavors to facilitate building up an academic exchange platform by virtue of "Yucheng Study Group" for doctoral students at the outset, motivating them to enhance dissertation anatomizing and writing capabilities in alignment with sketches for outlining thesis proposals, synthesizing anticipations for Ph.D. Candidates to score paramount excellence in the spheres of conducting academic researches with immeasurably prospective caliber. To sync with the erudition-lit milieu, Professor WU Xinbo elaborated upon the corresponding feature-rich “Workshop Events Calendar” highlighted for 2020-2021 Academic Year, proposing rigorous acquisitions of capstone coherent with incoming nouvelles’ indefatigably meticulous academic-based pursuits at Fudan University.

 Into the follow-up deliberation section, Ph.D. Candidate SONG Peng dissected analytical framework, logic threading, author’s propositions in XU Shaomin’s “National Interests, Threat Perception and Australia’s China ‘Reset’” published in Foreign Affairs Review (Issue 5, 2020).

(Ph.D. Candidate SONG Peng's Presentation on Dissecting XU Shaomin’s 

“National Interests, Threat Perception and Australia’s China ‘Reset’ ”)

At the ensuing session, Ph.D. Candidate ZHANG Jiteng pored over the intrinsic veins underlying “Western Study of Chinese Nationalism: A Critique” authored by LIANG Xuecun in Foreign Affairs Review (Issue 2, 2015).

(Ph.D. Candidate ZHANG Jiteng's Presentation on Interpreting LIANG Xuecun’s

“Western Study of Chinese Nationalism: A Critique”)

Forging ahead towards the subsequent commentary and interactive rounds, the participants engaged in robust and intensive discussions. Professor CHEN Zhirui expounded in multifaceted perspectives relevant to the editorial fundamentals of the preceding sagacious academic yields crystallized with merits and shimmers, underscoring awareness on the prominent aspects with regard to procedures of sketching dissertations and contributions in the phase of composing academic papers tinted with perspicaciously keen insights entailing intellectual approaches.

 (Source: Institute of International Studies, Fudan University. Preceding News in English Edited and Translated by Mao Xiaojun)