Key Cooperative Research Institute for Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C (2022-2024)

Professor Qi Huaigao Delivers Keynote Speech at the 1st SAICoPSS 2021


On August 11, 2021, Professor Qi Huaigao, Vice Dean of the Institute of International Studies, Fudan University (IIS Fudan), delivered a keynote speech online at the 1st Sunan Ampel International Conference on Political and Social Sciences (SAICoPSS). Professor Qi addressed the keynote speech entitled “China’s Growing Involvement in Global Health Governance: Contributions and Implications”. The 1stSAICoPSS is held by the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya with the main theme “Religion, Politics and Welfare in the Global Pandemic Era” on August 11-12, 2021. Professor Masdar Hilmy, Rector of State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, delivered a welcoming speech at the opening ceremony of the conference. About 100 scholars from Indonesia, China, Australia and other countries engaged in the online conference.


(Certificate of Appreciation presented to Professor Qi Huaigao as speaker at the 1st SAICoPSS)

In Professor Qi’s speech, he pointed out that China has been active in making intellectual and material contributions to the global fight against COVID-19 while achieving significant progress in containing the epidemic domestically. China’s contributions to global cooperation in the fight against the virus can be reflected in: (1) China has actively shared its experience in COVID-19 control and the treatment of infected cases with the international community; (2) China has sent 37 medical expert teams to help improve measures of diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control in 34 countries as of July 2021; (3) China has done its best to provide medical supplies to more than 150 countries and 13 international organizations as of July 2021; (4) China has made efforts to make vaccine accessible and affordable in developing countries. The implications of China’s involvement in global health governance include: (1) advocating the concept of “Building a Global Community of Health for All”; (2) supporting the leadership role of the World Health Organization in global health governance; (3) improving the global health governance system and WHO’s ability; and (4) cultivating public health talent with knowledge of international rules and diplomatic skills.In the discussion session of the conference, Professor Qi introduced Fudan Indonesia Initiative Program (FIIP), which was launched on 14 September 2019.

(Professor Qi Huaigao speaking at the 1stSAICoPSS online, August 11, 2021)

Besides Professor Qi Huaigao, keynote speakers at this conference include Professor Edward Aspinall from Australian National University, Dr. Salut Muhidin from Macquarie University in Australia, and Dr. Dicky Sofjan from Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia. Professor Akh Muzakki, Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, delivered the closing remarks.

Since 2018, IIS Fudan has attached more importance to Indonesian Studies. In July 2018, Dr. Xue Song joined IIS Fudan after receiving her Ph. D. degree in Political Science from Tsinghua University. On July 22-26, 2019, a research team of Fudan University, its members mainly from IIS Fudan, conducted an academic visit to Jakarta and Surabaya, Indonesia. On July 26, the research team visited the Faculty of Social and Political Science, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya. On September 14, 2019, the Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries of Fudan University (CCRNC-Fudan), a center affiliated to IIS Fudan, launched the Fudan Indonesia Initiative Program (FIIP). Since May 2021, Assistant Professor Xue Song has been on a secondment from IIS Fudan to the Embassy of China in Indonesia.

(A research team of Fudan University visiting State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, July 26, 2019)

  (By Zhang Zeyu)

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