Key Cooperative Research Institute for Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C (2022-2024)

11 Scholars at IIS Fudan Selected for the "2024 CNKI Top 1% Highly Cited Scholars” in Political Science


  In December 2024, the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) China Science Citation and Evaluation Center, based on academic journal articles and conference papers indexed by CNKI, conducted a comprehensive evaluation. This included quantitative data analysis, review of selection criteria, and consultations with subject-matter experts. As a result, the “2024 CNKI Highly Cited Scholars” list was announced. Eleven scholars from the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University (IIS Fudan), including Wu Xinbo, Lin Minwang, and Sun Degang, were selected for the “2024 CNKI Top 1% Highly Cited Scholars” list in Political Science. According to the statistics, Fudan University’s political science discipline had approximately 29 scholars on the list, with the IIS Fudan accounting for about 38% of these honorees.

The selection process for the “2024 CNKI Highly Cited Scholars” was based on specific criteria. To be considered for the initial pool, scholars had to have published at least one paper in the past decade (2014-2023) with a Paper Citation Standardized Index (PCSI) greater than the theoretical average value of 1.65. Following this, a total of approximately 3.35 million authors nationwide were included in the initial selection pool. For a scholar to qualify for the “2024 CNKI Top 1% Highly Cited Scholars” list in Political Science , they had to meet the following conditions: their total PCSI over the past decade must be in the top 1% of the initial pool (with a baseline value of 31.016 for approximately 30,000 scholars); they must have published at least five papers with a PCSI above 1.65 during this period; and they must have published at least one high-impact paper in the past ten years.