
蔡翠红著: Cyber Politics in US–China Relations


   2021年8月,由蔡翠红研究员著写的Cyber Politics in US–China Relations正式出版。本书是由吴心伯教授主编、复旦大学美国研究中心推出的21世纪的美国与世界系列丛书之六《中美关系中的网络政治研究》(英译本)。该丛书旨在深入研究进入21世纪以来美国在政治、经济、社会、文化等诸方面的发展变化,美国在世界上的地位和影响力的变化,美国与世界关系的变化,以及这些变化所带来的复杂影响。


Cuihong CAI, Cyber Politics in US-China Relations, Singapore: World Scientific, 2021.

ISBN: 9789811220241(hard cover); ISBN: 9789811220258 (ebook)ISBN: 9789811220265 (ebook other)



Cyber issues are of utmost importance and sensitivity for US-China relations today. The combination of cyber and politics is also developing from “low politics” to “high politics”. This book discusses cyber politics in US-China relations from four distinct aspects: first, the overall analysis of the role and manifestation of cyber politics in international relations from a theoretical perspective; second, the main issues regarding cyber politics in US-China relations; third, the factors influencing cyber politics in US-China relations; and fourth, the prospect and practice of cyber politics in US-China relations.

Based on an exploration of issues of cybersecurity, cyberspace governance, ideology and the power tussle in cyberspace between the US and China, as well as the analysis of the factors influencing cyber politics in the bilateral relations from the perspectives of strategy, discourse and trust, this book asserts that cyberspace is rapidly becoming a new arena for the geopolitical games between the US and China. A new form of cyber geopolitics is thus emerging.  



  • Introduction

  • Theoretical Perspective of Cyber Politics in International Relations

  • The Reality of US-China Cyber Politics: Competition, Conflict and Cooperation

  • Geopolitics of Cyberspace: The Essence of Cyber Politics in US-China Relations

  • US-China Cyber Political Issues: Ideology Expansion of America in the Context of in Cyber Politics

  • US-China Cyber Political Issues: Cybersecurity and Governance Issues in US-China Relations

  • Strategic Perspective of Cyber Political Analysis: Strategic Choices in Cyberspace for the US and China

  • Discourse Perspective of Cyber Political Analysis: A Case Study of the Narratives of Cyber War between the US and China

  • Trust Perspective in Cyber Political Analysis: Strategic Mutual Trust between the US and China in Cyberspace

  • The New Big Power Relations between the US and China in the Framework of a Community of a Shared Future in Cyberspace

  • Conclusion

目  录

  绪  论 
  第一章  国际关系中的网络政治  

  第一节  国际关系中的网络政治的作用途径与模式

  第二节  网络政治在国际关系中的象限:权力、身份、规则

  第三节  国际关系中的网络政治困境

  第二章  中美网络政治现实:竞争、冲突与合作 

  第一节  中美网络空间竞争:网络无政府状态下的博弈

  第二节  中美网络空间冲突:网络主权与网络空间开放性之间的矛盾

  第三节  中美网络空间合作:网络的全球性与“共同命运”之唤

  第三章  中美网络政治实质: 网络地缘政治的逻辑与表现 

  第一节  网络地缘政治的浮现

  第二节  中美博弈中的网络地缘政治逻辑

  第四章   中美网络政治议题:网络政治化背景下的美国意识形态扩张 

  第一节  美国意识形态扩张的网络政治化路径

  第二节   美国意识形态扩张的网络政治化动力

  第五章  中美网络政治议题:中美关系中的网络安全与治理问题 

  第一节  中美对网络安全环境的认知差异与治理困境

  第二节  中美双边关系中的网络安全问题及矛盾焦点

  第六章  网络政治分析的战略视角:中美两国的网络空间战略选择 

  第一节  美国网络空间先发制人战略及演变

  第二节  中美网络空间渐进稳定战略定位与选择

  第三节  中美网络空间战略比较:目标、手段与模式

  第七章  网络政治分析的话语视角:以中美网络战叙事为例  

  第一节  网络安全环境的话语建构与网络战叙事

  第二节  不同主体视角下网络战叙事

  第三节  网络战叙事的产生动因

  第八章   网络政治分析的信任视角:中美网络空间的战略互信 

  第一节  网络空间战略互信概述

  第二节   中美网络空间战略互信的现状与表现

  第三节  中美网络空间战略互信缺失的原因分析

  第九章   网络空间命运共同体框架下的中美新型大国关系

  第一节  网络空间治理的大国责任

  第二节   网络空间命运共同体的内在逻辑与路径选择

  第三节  网络空间命运共同体框架下的中美新型大国关系之构建 

  结 语


Cuihong Cai is a professor of international relations at the Center for American Studies, Fudan University. She received her B.S. (1993) and M.S. (1996) in biophysics as well as her Ph.D (2002) in international relations from Fudan University. She also holds a B.A. (2001) in English language and literature from Shanghai International Studies University. Dr. Cai is the author ofCyberpolitics in U.S.-China Relations (English version 2021; Chinese version 2019),Political Development in the Cyber Age (2015), U.S. National Information Security Strategy (2009) andInternet and International Politics (2003) as well as several dozen articles and papers on cyber-politics, cybersecurity strategy, cyberspace governance and US-China relations.

