Hoon Chang Yau(云昌耀)(文莱) 访问学者 访问机构:中国与周边国家关系研究中心 主持教授:石源华教授 来源机构:文莱大学高级研究所 研究方向:海外华人、族群、宗教、基督教、当代印尼、东南亚 访问时间:2017年10月16日至2017年11月13日 |
Catalysts of Change: Chinese Business in Asia, 2014, with Thomas Menkhoff, Chay Yue Wah and Hans-Dieter Evers, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
Chinese Indonesians Reassessed: History, Religion and Belonging, 2013, with Sai Siew Min, Routledge, London and New York.
Chinese Identity in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Culture, Politics and Media, 2008, Sussex Academic Press, Brighton and Portland.
Hoon, Chang-Yau,“The Rise of China and its Impact on the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia”, Journal of China’s Neighboring Diplomacy, Forthcoming (December 2017) In Chinese:中国崛起及其对东南亚华人社群的影响:以印尼为例,《中国周边外交学刊》.
Hoon, Chang-Yau, 2017.“Putting Religion into Multiculturalism: Conceptualizing Religious Multiculturalism in Indonesia”, for Asian Studies Review, 41(3), pp.476-493.
Yip, Jeaney and Chang-Yau Hoon, 2016.“To Build a Generation of Stars: Megachurch Identity, Religion and Modernity in Indonesia”, South East Asia Research, 24(4), pp.477-491.
Hoon, Chang-Yau, 2016.“Aspirations among Urban Christians in Contemporary Indonesia”, International Sociology, 31(4), pp.413-431.
Hoon, Chang-Yau, 2014.“God and Discipline: Religious Education and Character Building in a Christian School in Jakarta”, South East Asia Research, 22(4), pp.505-524.
Parker, Lyn; Chang-Yau Hoon and Raihani, 2014.“Young people’s attitudes towards inter-ethnic and inter-religious socializing, courtship and marriage in Indonesia”, South East Asia Research, 22(4), pp.467-486.
Hoon, Chang-Yau, 2013.“Multicultural Citizenship Education in Indonesia: The Case of a Chinese Christian School”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 44(3), pp. 490-510.
Hoon, Chang-Yau, 2010.“Face, Faith and Forgiveness: Elite Chinese Philanthropy in Indonesia”, Journal of Asian Business, 24(1&2), pp.51-66.
Hoon, Chang-Yau, 2009. “More than a Cultural Celebration: The Politics of Chinese New Year in Post-Suharto Indonesia”, Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies, Vol. 3, pp.90-105.