Key Cooperative Research Institute for Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C (2022-2024)

IIS Fudan Hosts 2024 Annual Academic Report for Fudan 119th University Anniversary


On the afternoon of May 31, 2024, to celebrate the 119th anniversary of Fudan University, the Institute of International Studies at Fudan University (IIS Fudan) held the 2024 Annual Academic Report, focusing on the international and regional hot issues. Associate Professor Wang Hao, Associate Professor Yan Shaohua, Associate Professor Cao Ting, Associate Professor Wen Yao, Assistant Professor Jiang Mingyu, and Associate Professor Wang Xiaoyu delivered presentations on various topics, ranging across the globe. The academic report was chaired by Professor Xin Qiang, Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of the IIS Fudan, attracting over 50 faculty and students.

(IIS Fudan hosts 2024 Annual Academic Report for Fudan 119th University Anniversary)

(Associate Professor Wang Hao)

(Associate Professor Yan Shaohua)

(Associate Professor Cao Ting)

(Associate Professor Wen Yao)

(Assistant Professor Jiang Mingyu)

(Associate Professor Wang Xiaoyu)

During the interactive session, faculty and students engaged in heated discussions on topics such as To what extent will Trump's criminal charges affect his lead in swing states, The stance of Latin American countries on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, The impact of nearshoring on China, The endogeneity and universality of Europe's 'positive autonomy,' The impact of major power competition on ASEAN countries' hedging strategies, and The impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on Saudi oil prices.