Key Cooperative Research Institute for Policy Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C (2022-2024)

Reports on“The Belt and Road Initiative: Views from Washington, Moscow, and Beijing”Released in Chinese and English


  On April 23, 2019, Reports on“The Belt and Road Initiative: Views from Washington, Moscow, and Beijing”(Chinese Version)co-authored by The Center for  Russian and Central Asian Studies at Fudan University, The Carnegie–Tsinghua Center for Global Policy were officially released prior to the convening of The 2nd “Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation”.

  By virtue of objectively and truthfully reflecting the comprehension, cognition and perceptions of BRI by the United States and Russia, we do not merely expect that a thematic report would resolve the differences among the three parties. Nevertheless, we do believe that assimilating perspectives from both sides and grasping the signals undoubtedly build up important prerequisites for escaping misperceptions, seeking common ground while reserving differences, thereby resolving conflicts and seeking collaboration.

  Link to the Full Text of the Report:

  Chinese Version

     English Version: